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PCCD Funding & Grants Process

EEOP Certification Form Requirements for Federal Grants

An Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) plan is a comprehensive document that analyzes a recipient's relevant labor market data, as well as the recipient's employment practices, to identify possible barriers to the participation of women and minorities in all levels of a recipient's workforce.

EEOP Certification Form Requirements for Federal Grants

Pursuant to U.S. Department of Justice regulations, (unless the applying organization is exempt as listed below), each applicant agency receiving a federal award of $25,000 or more and having 50 or more employees is required to maintain an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) on file for review by the Federal Office for Civil Rights upon request.

The applying organization is required to complete the applicable section of the EEOP Certification Form.

  • Complete Section A to claim exemption if the applying organization is a Non-Profit Organization, or your grant request is less than $25,000, or if the applying organization has less than 50 employees.
  • Complete Section B if your organization has 50 or more employees and is receiving a single award for $25,000 or more, but less than $500,000 to claim exemption from the EEOP submission requirement, and to certify that your organization has a current EEOP on file that is available for review upon request. (Note: If your organization has received a single award of $500,000 or more, you are required to send the EEOP Short Form to the Federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR) for review and approval.

The mailing address is as follows: Office for Civil Rights, EEOP Short Form Submission, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531.

You may also email the properly endorsed EEOP Short Form to EEOsubmissions@usdoj.gov. Information on preparation and submission of the EEOP Short Form may be found at the OCR website under Equal Employment Opportunity Plans.

The EEOP Certification Form may be found on the U.S Department of Justice website.  This form must be signed and submitted with every application for federal funds.