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2024 Byrne JAG Application

The federal Byrne Justice Assistance (JAG) Program provides seed money to assist and state and local government entities in implementing a wide range of drug enforcement, correctional treatment/supervision, victim services, juvenile justice and criminal justice system improvement projects. 

PCCD utilizes an advisory committee structure to identify problems and needs within the criminal justice system.  PCCD's advisory committees are comprised of knowledgeable individuals who represent a broad range of state, local, and private sector expertise and who meet regularly to address problems and recommend solutions to improve the criminal and juvenile justice systems as well as victim services systems.  PCCD engages in a deliberate planning process, which includes the incorporation of advisory committee input, to determine how to best utilize JAG funds and, to the extent practicable, build upon the successes of the programs previously supported.

The federal JAG applications requirements specify that an opportunity to comment on the states' application is provided to citizens to the extent applicable law or established procedures make such opportunity available.  Provided below is a link to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s 2024 Byrne JAG application as well as a link to provide PCCD with comments via email.

​Any comments or questions can be sent via email to RA-PCCD-OCJSI@pa.gov