2025 Pennsylvania Invasive Replace-ive Program

Replacement Program

Non-native trees and shrubs are widely found in much of Pennsylvania, including but not limited to Callery pear, tree-of-heaven, Norway maple, burning bush, Japanese barberry, and butterfly bush. While many of these species are planted to add beauty and ornamental value to a landscape, numerous unsuspecting homeowners and commercial landscapers may not realize the negative ecological and economic impacts these species can have on nearby natural areas.

The Pennsylvania Invasive Replace-ive Program is a new initiative that will give homeowners and others the option to remove invasive trees and shrubs from their property and replace them with native trees. Doing so will help reduce the likelihood of these species becoming unwanted “escapees” into neighboring properties, parks, and forests, and native trees help diversify the urban landscape.

Property owners are encouraged to remove one or more invasive species and receive up to (5) FREE, healthy, native, young replacement trees.


See the map below and event listings for details, dates, and registration.

map of locations

  • Registration is required. Click the “Register” link for your desired giveaway date/location.
  • Any Pennsylvania resident can participate and take part in the program.
  • Tree/shrub removal can occur by property owner(s) OR individual(s) with permission from a property owner (e.g., park, library, school).
  • Take a photo of the cut tree/shrub and submit via the pre-registration form, or bring photo(s) to the exchange event. Photos can be from as early as 2020.
  • Replacement native trees will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. If your preferred replacement tree is not available at the time of distribution, you will be provided with a healthy alternative. Specific tree species cannot be reserved ahead of the event.
  • Property owners (or others with appropriate permission) are responsible for the removal of invasive trees/shrubs.


The following lists indicate which invasive trees and shrubs can be removed by property owners or others wishing to participate in the program. We encourage the removal of Tier 1 species when possible; however, other woody invasive species are also acceptable.

Tier 1:

If you think you have an invasive species on your property but are unsure of its identification, please contact us via email at RA-NRCommunityForest@pa.gov and send one or more photos of the species. Invasive species experts can review your photo(s) and respond with their thoughts.

Property owners (or others with appropriate permission) are responsible for the removal of invasive trees/shrubs. Management instructions by species along with information on identifying each invasive species can be found here.

To locate a qualified tree service professional, click here.

  • What are the expected outcomes of the program?
    • Fewer invasive species on the landscape
    • More native trees and shrubs where they’re needed most
    • Increased public awareness of the benefits of native species and the downsides of invasive species in landscaping and beyond
    • Promotion of productive and particularly edible products from trees and shrubs for participants’ and the public’s enjoyment


  • What species are offered as native replacements?
    • Species available will vary by location, but some examples include redbud, Allegheny serviceberry, shagbark hickory, white oak, hazelnut, blackgum, Carolina silverbell, persimmon, and more.
  • How big are the native trees to be given away?
    • Most tree species will be in 2-gallon pots and range in height from 1-4 feet tall.
  • How do I submit my pictures of proof?
    • Please attach your photo(s) to the registration form, or bring them with you to the event.
  • I need assistance with invasive species ID. Who can I contact?
    • If you think you have an invasive species on your property but are unsure of its identification, please contact us via email at RA-NRCommunityForest@pa.gov and send one or more photos of the species. Invasive species experts can review your photo(s) and respond with their thoughts.
  • Can I remove eligible invasive plants from property I don't own?
    • Yes, with permission (e.g., schools, libraries, religious organizations, apartment grounds, corporate campuses)


  • Do I need to replant my native tree(s) on the same property where invasive species were removed?
    • No, the native trees(s) you receive from the program can be planted on any property you have permission to plant on in Pennsylvania.
  • I registered for an event, but was not able to make it. Can I still receive free trees?
    • No, trees must be claimed during event hours on a first come, first served basis.
  • When will there be an event in my area?
    • This is the first year of the PA Invasive Replace-ive program and we did our best to hold five events across the state to include people throughout the state. We currently do not have the funding or capacity to have an event in every community. We hope this pilot program can help us secure funding to provide similar events in the future. If you want to see future events in your area, please join our waitlist.
  • The event is full what can I do?
    • Please fill out our waitlist so we can notify you of similar events in the future. We will also use this information to guide the planning and locations of future events.
  • Where can I learn more about landscaping with native plants?
    • DCNR’s Landscaping with Native Plants webpage and Landscaping with Natives brochure provide information on selecting native species that will grow in your site's conditions.
    • For information on planting and caring for your native trees please see the US Forest Service’s Tree Owner’s Manual.
Pennsylvania Invasive Replace-ive Program


Email: RA-NRCommunityForest@pa.gov

Phone: 717-515-0475



Erie, PA
Saturday, May 3, 2025, 9am-12pm


Darby, PA
Saturday, May 3, 2025, 10am-12pm


Greensburg, PA
Saturday, May 10, 2025, 9am-12pm


Carlisle, PA
Friday, May 9, 2025, 1pm-6pm


Scranton, PA
Sunday, May 18, 2025, 12pm-3pm

Sponsors and Contributors

Special thanks to each of the following organizations for their contributions to this program. Funding for the 2025 Pennsylvania Invasive Plant Replace-ive Program is provided by the U.S. Forest Service.


Funding for this program is provided through a grant from the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, an equal opportunity provider.