
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture will be hosting our annual Farm City Day this spring in Harrisburg and Philadelphia. These events will give students the opportunity to learn first-hand about agriculture and all it entails. Students will work their way through various learning stations that focus on all aspects of agriculture and learn about where their food comes from and the many opportunities that exist in agriculture.

Learning stations will have hands-on engaging activities representing all aspects of agriculture from animals and bees to forestry and vegetables and beyond. This event will give students, caregivers and teachers the opportunity to fully engage with agriculture and plant the seed for further learning and exploration in the industry.

Farm City Day - Central PA

Dates: May 7th and 8th

Location: Farm Show Complex and Expo Center, 2300 N Cameron St, Harrisburg, PA 17110

Elementary age students from Harrisburg and surrounding areas are invited to attend the Farm Show Complex for this exciting event. Registration is required.

Farm City Day - Central PA

Farm City Day - Eastern PA

Dates: May 14th (rain date May 15th)

Location: Fox Chase Farm, 8500 Pine Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19111

Farm City Day Eastern PA will take place in collaboration with the School District of Philadelphia at Fox Chase Farm.  Students from Southeast PA will join us at the Farm for an exciting day visiting animals and engaging with agriculture.

Farm City Day

Sensory Friendly Accommodations!

This year Farm City Day will be Sensory friendly! Our events will include sensory friendly activities and accommodations to welcome and include Neurodiverse students, their teachers and caregivers. 
Sensory friendly accommodations and activities will be available throughout the events.

The following activities and accommodations will be available for students with sensory sensitivities attending the event:

  • Quiet Space - A designated quiet space for any student/individual needing to take a break from the main event
  • Sensory Specific Activities such as a Corn Sandbox, water tables and more
  • Sensory Bags
  • Social Stories for students and teachers to access prior to the event
  • Alternative entrance and registration areas for students with sensory sensitivities
  • Experienced/trained Volunteers to accompany and greet students/classes with additional needs


We are excited to offer an agricultural experience inclusive of all students in partnership with the Neurodiverse Network and The Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT) . If you have questions about the sensory components of the event please contact Sara Gligora at sgligora@pa.gov.


Re-Make Learning Day Event

This year’s Farm City Day events are part of the Re-Make Learning Day festivals that occur every May.  Students who attend these events can participate in the PA Department of Education’s Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge and earn artifacts and badges for their schools.


If you have questions about the sensory components of the event, please contact Sara Gligora at sgligora@pa.gov.
