Public assistance grants help communities recover from major disaster. We're here to help local governments get everything in order to secure the federal help they qualify for.
Basic Info
This program is available if:
1. The President made a disaster declaration
2. Your jurisdiction has been named eligible
2 Types of Work
Public Assistance is categorized into two types of work: emergency and permanent.
- Emergency work: Debris removal and life-saving emergency protective measures are categorized as “emergency work,” and typically take place within six months after the presidential declaration.
- Permanent work: Restoration of infrastructure is categorized as “permanent work,” and typically takes place within 18 months after the presidential declaration.
Request An Extension
Concerned about a deadline? Request an extension by submitting a request to us as soon as you know that the initial deadline is not achievable.
Report Overages
Applicants have 60 days to report cost overages on their projects. Applicants who are late to report overages will not receive federal funding.
Overages are called Net Small Project Overruns, and they happen when a project is awarded based on estimated costs, but the actual cost upon completion surpasses that estimate.
What to do: If your project is going to exceed the allotted amount, reach out to us and let us know as soon as possible.
About This Program
The program is a cost-share reimbursement program, which means the federal government provides at least 75 percent of the eligible cost.
The remaining, non-federal share of up to 25 percent is split between eligible applicants. We determine how those remaining funds are split.
This program provides assistance for hazard mitigation measures to be taken during the recovery process so that we can protect damaged facilities from future events.
Sample Designation of Agent (PDF)
Public Assistance Grant Program Agreement (DAP-2) (PDF)
Sample Application (PDF)
Lobbying Restrictions (PDF)
Account Activity Worksheet (PDF)
Contractor Activity Worksheet (PDF)
Summary of Costs Worksheet (PDF)
Large Project: Reimbursement Request (PDF)
Large Project: Quarterly Status Report (PDF)
Completed Project Listing (PDF)
Improved Project Request (PDF)
Time Extension Request (PDF)
Fringe Benefit Rate Components (PDF)
Consolidated Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDF)
Local Damage Assessment Form (PDF)
Insurance Commitment Form (PDF)
Right of Entry Agreement (PDF)
Private/Nonprivate Checklist (PDF)
County Impact Statement (PDF)
Bank Account Verification (PDF)