Low Cost Safety Improvement Programs
Each year, PennDOT invests approximately $10 million in state funding to implement low-cost safety improvements throughout the state. Examples of these projects include:
Highway Safety Improvement Program
Annually, PennDOT receives approximately $132 million in federal funding for its Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The department distributes $70 million of this funding to its planning regions based on fatalities, major injuries and reportable crashes. Each planning organization receives $500,000 to allow for larger projects in the smaller planning organizations. The remaining $50 million is awarded annually to implement low- to moderate-cost systemic or spot specific infrastructure safety improvements.
The overall purpose of this program is to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on state roads through the implementation of systemic projects that deploy multiple safety countermeasures over several locations and medium-cost infrastructure-related highway safety improvements.
Pennsylvania Highway Safety Manual (HSM) Tools & Data
PennDOT HSM Analysis Tools
(Last Updated February 24, 2025)
Tool A (Existing Condition Analysis) (EXCEL)
Tool B (Alternatives Analysis) (EXCEL)
User Manual (PDF)
Highway Safety Screening Tool (Existing Condition Analysis)
Segments (EXCEL)
Intersections (EXCEL)
Freeway & Ramps HSM Analysis Tool
ISATe (PA Calibrated) (EXCEL)
PennDOT SPF Collision Type & Severity Tables
Rural 4-Lane Divided-Undivided Hwys (PDF)
Rural Two-Lane Hwys (PDF)
Urban-Suburban Arterial Hwys (PDF)
Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) Tool
Safety BCA Tool (PA Adjusted Costs) (EXCEL)
FHWA's Countermeasure Service Life Guide (2021) (PDF)
CMF Supplements (For Alernatives Analysis of Project Optimization)
Use these CMFs in Tool B or the Safety BCA Tool
Lane & Shoulder Width (EXCEL)
Intersection Skew (EXCEL)
Intersection Sight Distance (EXCEL)
Local Road Traffic Counts (2018) (EXCEL)
Local Road Counts (2020) (EXCEL)
Pennsylvania Research
Regionalized Safety Performance Functions (January 2016) (PDF)
Regionalized Urban-Suburban Collector Road SPFs (March 2019) (PDF)
Crash Modification Factors for High Friction Surface Treatment (June 2023) (PDF)
Crash Modification Factors for High Tension Cable Median Barrier (June 2023) (PDF)
Training Links
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
Highway Safety Network Screening Video (PennDOT)
PennDOT Analysis Road Diets (YouTube)
PennDOT Analysis Offset T Intersections (YouTube)