Utility coordination involves identification and possible relocation of existing facilities that may be in conflict with proposed highway and bridge projects. Successful utility coordination requires early and frequent communication with utility owners, as well as cooperation and clear identification of the project scope and schedule. Utility relocation activities are coordinated by the District and Central Office Utility Relocation Units.
The District Utility Relocation Units are responsible for the clearance of utility facilities on all construction projects in the district and the implementation of the department's policies and procedures. Utility facilities include all gas, water, sanitary sewers, electric, cable TV, communications, petroleum products pipelines, and other facilities that provide direct or indirect utility service to the public.
The Central Office Relocation Unit is responsible for the coordination and application of the policies and procedures outlined and prescribed by the department's Design Manual for Utility Relocations, Design Manual Part 5 (DM-5)(PDF). The unit also provides the districts with technical assistance and operational guidance.
The units work together to develop policies and procedures to accomplish utility relocations and adjustments necessary to accommodate highway construction projects.
Utility Relocation Management System (URMS)
Utility coordination is managed and documented within PennDOT's Utility Relocation Management System (URMS).
All utility companies and consultants are invited to become URMS users so they can work within the system for utility coordination. The following videos describe how to register for URMS.
Registered URMS users have access to additional training resources within the URMS system itself from the Training Resources link.
Utility Relocation Forms (See DM-5, Appendix A For Additional Forms)
- Sample Resolution Authorizing Signature on the Agreement (PDF)
- Sample of Consultant's Proposal Engineering Cost Estimate (PDF)
- Sample Consultant Agreement for One Specific Relocation (PDF)
- Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Utility Impact Form (XLSM)
- D-4181, Utility Relocation Questionnaire and Permit Application (PDF)
- D-4181-UC, Utility Relocation Clearance Report (PDF)
- D-4181-A, Preliminary Estimate for Utility Relocation (PDF)
- D-4181-B, Summary of Billing for Utility Relocation (PDF)
Other Utility Relocation Related Sites/Documents
- Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Chapter 1, Subchapter G, Part 645, Sub part A and B (23CFR)
- PA Code 67, Chapter 459 -Occupancy of Highway by Utilities
- FHWA - Program Guide, Utility Adjustments and Accommodation on Federal-Aid Highway Projects
- AASHTO Subcommittee on Right-of-Way, Utilities and Outdoor Advertising
- FHWA Utilities Program
- PA One Call
- PA One Call Information (PDF)
- PA Supplier Portal (for SAP Numbers)
- Subsurface Utility Engineering Study(opens in a new tab) (PDF)
- Instructions for Letting Schedule Report with Geographic Limits (PDF)