Project Status
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Project Overview
County: Mercer
Municipality: Borough of Sharpsville
Local Name: East High Street
Project Type: Roadway improvement
Proposed Construction Start: 2024
Proposed Construction End: 2024
Last Updated: December 2024
This project is to make improvements to the roadway of East High Street in the Borough of Sharpsville, Mercer County.
The project is located on East High Street between North Walnut Street and the Kelly Road Bridge over the Shenango River.
The proposed project will include resurfacing of the existing roadway, drainage improvements, and provide pedestrians and bicyclists with a safer route through the project corridor that will include new “Share the Road” signage and pavement markings.
Work is expected to occur during the 2024 construction season.
Traffic Impact
A detour will be required during construction and is expected to be in place for approximately one month. The proposed less than a half mile detour route will be posted using East Shenango Street and North Walnut Street.
Traffic will also be controlled by flaggers.
Section 4(f)
What is Section 4(f)?
Section 4(f) refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966. Section 4(f) provides consideration to publicly owned park and recreation lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and any publicly or privately owned historic sites listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Section 4(f) applies to projects that receive funding from or require approval by an agency of the U.S. DOT.
How does 4(f) Apply to this Project?
Two Section 4(f) resources have been identified within the project area: Sharpsville Area Recreation Park and Erie Canal Riverwalk Park.
Impacts to Section 4(f) Properties
Sharpsville Area Recreation Park and Erie Canal Riverwalk Park are both public parks located in the Sharpsville Borough on East High Street on the west side of the Kelly Road Bridge. The Sharpsville Area Recreation Park is currently used as a public park that includes a parking lot, green space, a pavilion and a pedestrian trail. The Erie Canal Riverwalk Park is a public park that includes a parking lot and pedestrian trail. Project construction will not result in any temporary or permanent impacts to Sharpsville Area Recreation Park or Erie Canal Riverwalk Park, and they will both remain open throughout construction.
Contact Information
Kyle Barker
Project Manager
Jill Harry
Press Officer
The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.
Title VI
Pursuant to the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, PennDOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. If you feel that you have been denied the benefits of, or participation in a PennDOT program or activity, you may contact the PennDOT, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division at 717-787-5891.