
PENNVEST provides various resources for funding recipients to administer and manage their loan(s). The financing area provides the necessary forms, documents, and information to help with loan servicing activities around Automated Clearing House (ACH), reporting requirements, contract changes, signature authorization, as well as the management of funds disbursement and payment tracking.

Loan Servicing

PENNVEST requires information from funding recipients to be able to service their loans.

Complete ACH Authorization / ACH Banking Change Form

Upon completion of settlement, funding recipients must submit an ACH Authorization form and provide information on any account changes with their financial institution during the repayment process.

Complete ACH Authorization / ACH Banking Change Form

Submit a Signature Authorization / Change Form

Funding recipients must submit a form listing their authorized signatories prior to submitting their first payment request.

Submit a Signature Authorization / Change Form

Manage Funds Disbursement

The funds disbursement process is managed within the PV Portal. Disbursement is completed in three phases: Awaiting Settlement, Disbursement, and Project Close Out.

Manage Funds Disbursement

File an Annual Financial Statement / Audit Report

Funding recipients must file their annual financial statement / audit report for each year during the life of their loan(s). This reporting is completed through a process within DocuSign, which provides step-by-step instructions through the process.

File an Annual Financial Statement / Audit Report

Request a Change to Funding Recipient Information

Significant changes within an entity affect financial documentation so must be reported to PENNVEST. Actions that require notification to PENNVEST include collateral and company name changes, mergers, acquisitions, and requests for consent.

Request a Change to Funding Recipient Information

Post-Settlement and Funds Disbursement Procedures Handbook

Once completing the settlement process, you will need to follow required steps to begin the funds disbursement process.  This handbook will help you navigate the loan serving steps with ease.



Payment Tracking

The Business Partner Portal is an application presented by the Office of the Budget to allow business partners to quickly and easily find important information regarding such services as borrower loan reports, vendor reports, contract information, customer information, and much more.