SGL 24 / Forest County / 315 Acres​Green TwpBID OPENING: January 6, 2025
727.8​ MBF of Red Maple, N. Red Oak, Hemlock, & other hardwoods
2,390 tons of Mixed Hardwoods
Sale# 024-2​024-01​ Prospectus - Adobe PDF
SGL 147 / Blair County / 115 Acres​Huston & Taylor TwpBID OPENING: January 6, 2025
470.8​ MBF of Black Cherry, Red Maple, Mixed Oak, & other hardwoods
2,703 tons of Mixed Hardwoods
Sale# 147-2​024-03​
​​Prosp​ectus​​​​​​​​​ - Adobe PDF​
​SGL 37 / Tioga County / 233 Acres​Richmond & Tioga TwpBID OPENING: January 6, 2025
862.​2 MBF of Dead N. Red Oak, Dead Mixed Oak, N. Red Oak, & other hardwoods
4,364 tons of Mixed Hardwoods
Sale# 037-2​024-01​
​​Prosp​ectus​​​​​​​​​ ​- Adobe PDF​
SGL 75 / Lycoming County / 81 Acres​McHenry TwpBID OPENING: January 13, 2025
196.1 MBF of Dead White Oak, Red Maple, & other hardwoods
905 tons of Mixed Hardwoods
Sale# 075-2​024-04​
​​​​Pros​p​ectus​​​​​​​​​ ​- Adobe PDF​
SGL 217 / Carbon and Schuylkill County/ 285 Acres​East Penn and West Penn TwpBID OPENING: January 27, 2025
507.8 MBF of Misc Hardwood, N. Red Oak, Red Maple, & other hardwoods
11,909 tons of Mixed Hardwoods
Sale# 217-2​024-01​
​​​ ​Pros​p​​ectus​​​​​​​​​ ​-​ Adobe PDF​