Pennsylvania Game Commission


The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) will be offering numerous paid internships across Pennsylvania for the summer field season. PGC internships will expose students to a variety of PGC work, including wildlife research, habitat management, and educational outreach. Depending on the internship type, interns can expect to gain experience with tree, shrub, and plant identification, equipment operation, herbicide application, wildlife capture and marking techniques, public interaction, and the creation of educational materials. Interns may also participate in prescribed fire.

​​​​Intern with the Pennsylvania Game Commission

Internship Recruitment

Intern with the PGC!

Internship Opportunities

Habitat Management Interns

Selected interns can be placed with habitat management crews responsible for enhancing wildlife habitat on State Game Lands. Some internships may also be available at a PGC Regional Office, or PGC Headquarters in Harrisburg, PA. Internships that are placed with habitat management crews will span multiple Game Lands within a 2 to 3 county area and involve a variety of work that may including physical labor and the use of hand and power tools and possibly heavy equipment or farm implements. Interns may also occasionally interact with other PGC employees on forestry or GIS/mapping projects. 

Wildlife Management Interns

Selected interns will assist wildlife biologists with ongoing species monitoring projects, including but not limited to waterfowl and mourning dove banding, bear tagging, nest box monitoring for barn owl and American kestrel production, bat roost surveys, Northern flying squirrel acoustic surveys, and trail camera surveys. 

Forestry Interns

Selected interns will assist foresters with ongoing work related to forest management activities, including forest mensuration and timber marking.

Communication Interns

Selected interns will assist in promoting the agency's mission by creating content for social media, developing educational materials, and assisting in public events. 


Northwest Region Summer Internships

Available Opportunities and Learning Objectives:

Internship opportunities are available within four disciplines – forestry, habitat management, information & education, and wildlife biology. Descriptions of each are provided below. We encourage you to apply to one or more opportunities depending on your interests. If awarded an internship, you will focus primarily on the designated subject area; however, exposure to and collaboration across disciplines will occur frequently and is considered an important part of the experience. 

  • All resumes must be postmarked on or before February 14, 2025

Northeast Region Summer Internships

Available Opportunities and Learning Objectives:

Internship opportunities are available within three disciplines – Forestry, Wildlife Habitat Management, and Wildlife Management. Descriptions of each are provided below. We encourage you to apply to one or more opportunities depending on your interests.

  • All resumes must be received on or before February 16, 2025

Northcentral Region Summer Internships

Available Opportunities and Learning Objectives:

Internship opportunities are available within several disciplines – habitat management, forestry,  information & education, and wildlife biology.  Descriptions of each are provided below.  We encourage you to apply to one or more opportunities depending on your interests.

  • General Internship resumes must be postmarked on or before February 16, 2025
  • Forestry Internship resumes must be postmarked by Feb 5, 2025.

Southwest Region Summer Internships

Available Opportunities and Learning Objectives:

Successful applicants will work with regional forestry, habitat management, wildlife biology, or communications staff to gain valuable insight into applied wildlife and habitat management and conservation and effective public communications. Interns will be assigned cross-discipline field days to experience the diversity of contributions each profession makes to conserving and protecting the natural resources of PA. 

  • All resumes must be postmarked on or before February 16, 2025

Southeast Region Summer Internships

Available Opportunities and Learning Objectives:

Habitat Management, Wildlife Management and Education, as well as Forestry internships are available. Descriptions of each are provided below. We encourage you to apply to one or more opportunities depending on your interests. If awarded an internship, you will focus primarily in one of the three internship types below. However, exposure to and collaboration across various disciplines will occur frequently and is considered an important part of the experience.

  • All resumes must be postmarked on or before February 14, 2025

Southcentral Region Summer Internships

Available Opportunities and Learning Objectives:

The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) is offering 2 paid internships in wildlife ecology in southcentral Pennsylvania for the summer 2025 field season. This internship is intended for undergraduate students in natural resource conservation majors, with little or no previous experience conducting field-based wildlife management tasks. Duties will include collecting biological data on a diversity of wildlife species and their habitats.

  • All resumes must be postmarked on or before February 16, 2025

Southcentral Region Forestry Summer Internships

Available Opportunities and Learning Objectives:

Interns will assist the Southcentral Region forestry staff with the development, implementation, coordination, and evaluation of activities designed to manage, protect, and enhance forest resources on State Game Lands within the Southcentral Region of the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

Duties may include marking and surveying boundary on wildlife habitat improvement projects, marking timber and determining volumes, marking reserve trees, collecting stand data, assisting with the chemical control of undesirable plants in forest stands, collecting State Game Lands data for input into the GIS database, assisting with prescribed fire activities, and other tasks related to forest wildlife habitat management. All common forestry tools will be utilized in the completion of assigned work.

  • All resumes and information must be received by February 16, 2025.

Southcentral Region Habitat Management Summer Internships

Available Opportunities and Learning Objectives:

The goal of our highly competitive intern program is to mentor and possibly recruit the next generation of wildlife habitat professionals.  During the internship, you will work alongside some of the most highly trained and dedicated habitat management professionals in the Commonwealth!  You can expect to get hands on experience with habitat planning, protection, implementation and evaluation; putting to use the knowledge you’ve gained in school as well as knowledge gained in the field.  You’ll work with other agency staff, participate in meetings and network with professionals in the wildlife habitat management field. 

  • All resumes and information must be received by February 16, 2025.  

This program receives Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability.

If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility, or if you need more information, please write to:

Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights

U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20240

The Pennsylvania Game Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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