North Zone: Ducks, sea ducks, coots and mergansers, Oct. 12-26, and Nov. 19-Jan. 11.
South Zone: Ducks, sea ducks, coots and mergansers, Oct. 12-19, and Nov. 19-Jan. 18.
Northwest Zone: Ducks, sea ducks, coots and mergansers, Oct. 12-Nov. 29, and Dec. 23-Jan. 11.
Lake Erie Zone: Ducks, sea ducks, coots and mergansers, Nov. 4-Jan. 11.
Total Duck Bag Limits: 6 daily, 18 in possession of any species, except for the following restrictions: daily limit may not include more than 4 mallards including no more than 2 hen mallards, 2 black ducks, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 canvasbacks, 1 pintail, 4 sea ducks; including no more than 3 eiders and no more than 1 female eider, 3 long-tailed ducks, and 3 scoters. Daily limit for scaup varies; see below. Possession limits are three times the daily limits.
Scaup Bag Limits:
North Zone: 1 scaup daily, Oct. 12-26 and Nov. 19-Dec. 19; 2 scaup daily, Dec. 20-Jan.11
South Zone: 1 scaup daily, Oct. 12-19 and Nov. 19-Dec. 26; 2 scaup daily, Dec. 27-Jan. 18
Northwest Zone: 1 scaup daily, Oct. 12-Nov. 27; 2 scaup daily, Nov. 28-29 and Dec. 23-Jan. 11
Lake Erie Zone: 1 scaup daily, Nov. 4- Dec. 19; 2 scaup daily, Dec. 20-Jan. 11
Youth, Veterans and Active Duty Military Days:
Licensed junior and mentored youth hunters, military veterans and active military personnel can hunt ducks, mergansers, brant, coots, gallinules and Canada geese during selected days. Hunters 16 or older need a federal duck stamp to participate. All hunters need a Pennsylvania migratory game bird license.
Same daily bag limits as regular season.