shooting range bench
Pennsylvania Game Commission

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pennsylvania ​Shooting Range Improvement Program


Welcome to the Pennsylvania Game Commission Shooting Range Improvement Program. Our goal is to provide funding to organizations that meet the necessary criteria and wish to develop new or unique projects that will have a positive impact on Pennsylvania hunters and shooters.

  • Applications Open: 2025 Information Coming Soon
shooters at range

Who is Eligible to Apply?

​Applicants who are eligible to apply for the ​Shooting Range Improvement Program​ grants are existing shooting ranges, shooting clubs, recreational shooting organizations, archery clubs, and education groups. Applicants must demonstrate public use of current facilities. Examples of public use​ facilities include public range times, educational outreach/trainings, or organized shooting competitions. Retail ranges are not eligible to apply for this program. ​​​

Eligible Projects

Projects for rifle, handgun, shotgun, skeet, and trap ranges should be designed to standards found in National Rifle Association (NRA) Range Source Book, a Guide to Planning and Construction or the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) website.

For archery ranges, design information is available on websites for the Archery Trade Association, the National Field Archery Association, and other organizations.

Design may also mirror PGC state game land ranges.

Examples of eligible shooting range projects:

  • Training, storage, and clubhouse facilities
  • New construction, renovation, relocation
  • Construction of backstops and safety berms
  • Sky and noise baffles construction
  • Shooting stations and covers
  • Access roads and parking lots
  • Permanent target systems
  • Signage
  • Lead remediation

Examples of projects not eligible for funding:

  • Land acquisition
  • Engineering and design documents and plans
  • Employees' time to complete application or indirect costs

How to Apply

2025 Application Information Coming Soon

Program Contact: Luke Johnson

PGC Shooting Sports Range Management Coordinator 2001 Elmerton Ave. Harrisburg, PA 17110