Species Profile

The mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, is the most common duck in the United States, North America and the Northern Hemisphere. It is among the best known and most widely recognized of all wildlife. The species possesses the largest breeding range of any bird on the continent, nesting across Canada and Alaska south to California, New Mexico, Kansas, Ohio and Virginia. Taxonomists recognize seven races. The mallard may have been the first domesticated bird, and from it have sprung all domestic duck breeds except the barnyard muscovy.

The mallard is known as a “puddle” or “dabbling” duck. It frequents shallow, marshy habitats, where it obtains plant and animal food on and near the water’s surface, feeding by dabbling with its bill in the shallows and by hoisting its tail in the air and stretching its neck and head underwater. Like all puddle ducks, the mallard can spring directly into the air when taking off. It does not need to run across the water’s surface to build up speed as diving ducks must.

Mallard Duck Moult