State Wildlife Grants Program
The State Wildlife Grants program (SWG) is the nation's core program for preventing species from becoming endangered. This federal program provides needed funds to states to develop and implement conservation actions, identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan, that benefit wildlife and their habitat, including species not hunted or fished. Created in 2000 by Congress, SWG has enabled the Pennsylvania Game Commission and Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission to direct conservation efforts toward species in decline or vulnerable to decline, with the goal of preventing endangered species listings. State Wildlife Grant funding to Pennsylvania has ranged from $1.5 to $2.5 million per year, split equally between the Game Commission and Fish & Boat Commission.
The Game Commission is not seeking project proposals at this time.
How has Pennsylvania wildlife benefitted from State Wildlife Grant funding?
- Respond to emerging issues, such as white-nose syndrome in bats
- Implement conservation actions for species of greatest conservation need
- Assess wildlife populations
Since 2001, the Game Commission has supported more than 60 bird and mammal conservation projects through State Wildlife Grant funding, including wildlife research, habitat improvement, land acquisition and other efforts. Many projects are conducted through partnerships with colleges and universities, conservation organizations and natural history museums, thereby maximizing the Game Commission's use of these federal funds. To see a map and descriptions of select projects, click on the map below.
In 2020, the Game Commission and Fish & Boat Commission celebrate 20-years of the State Wildlife Grants Program with a retrospective of accomplishments. These successes are shared nationwide, as detailed in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 20 Years of Conservation Success report.
In 2020, the Game Commission and Fish & Boat Commission celebrate 20-years of the State Wildlife Grants Program with a retrospective of accomplishments. These successes are shared nationwide, as detailed in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 20 Years of Conservation Success report.

Celebrating 20 years! State and Tribal Wildlife Grants Program Pennsylvania
Congress created the State Wildlife Grants Program, later adding a tribal program, galvanizing the states’ and tribes’ ability to evaluate and conserve the range of species within our jurisdictions, not just those protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. This Program led to the development of State Wildlife Action Plans that aim to prevent species from becoming endangered while recovering species already on the brink.
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20 years of Conservation Success
This document is published by the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration (WSFR) Program, a division of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), with technical and financial support from the Service’s National Native American Programs and from the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA).
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