State Historical Records Advisory Board

The Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board provides leadership and advocacy for the Commonwealth's documentary heritage. Its mission is to foster the preservation and accessibility of historically valuable records and to promote public awareness and appreciation of this enduring legacy. The SHRAB carries out its mission by encouraging institutions to apply for NHPRC grants; developing advisory services to improve historical records programs; identifying sources of funding and support; promoting cooperation and partnerships; and developing educational programs.

State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB)

The State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) operates under federal regulations governing the National Historical Publication and Records Commission (NHPRC) and serves as the central advisory body for historical records planning in the state. The State Historical Records Coordinator, who is appointed by the Governor, serves as Chairman of the Board. Members of the Board, who are appointed by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC), review grant applications submitted by Pennsylvania institutions by the NHPRC and also seek to facilitate cooperation among historical records repositories around state.

SHRAB Mission

The Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board provides leadership and advocacy for the Commonwealth's documentary heritage. Its mission is to foster the preservation and accessibility of historically valuable records and to promote public awareness and appreciation of this enduring legacy. The SHRAB carries out its mission by encouraging institutions to apply for NHPRC grants; developing advisory services to improve historical records programs; identifying sources of funding and support; promoting cooperation and partnerships; and developing educational programs.

SHRAB Vision

The "common wealth" of Pennsylvania is a documentary heritage that is preserved, valued, and accessible to all present and future generations of our citizens. A strong and visible State Historical Records Advisory Board provides the leadership to preserve and promote the historical record of the people of Pennsylvania.

Contact Information

Cindy Bendroth, State Historical Records Deputy Coordinator
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
1681 N. Sixth Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102-1106
Phone: 717-783-5796

SHRAB Advisory Board

State Historical Records Coordinator

David Shoff, Director
Bureau of the Pennsylvania State Archives

Deputy Coordinator

Cindy Bendroth, Chief 

Records Division

Member terms expire at the end of December during the class year.

Class of 2027

Cathy Boyer
Records Manager

Dr. Barbara Zaborowski
Dean of Learning Resources
Pennsylvania Highland Community College

Molly Tighe

Class of 2026

Robert Stakeley
Coordinator of the Archivist and Educational Programs
Heinz History Center

Celia Caust-Ellenbogen
Interim Director, Peace Collections Archives
Swarthmore College

Class of 2025

Adam Bentz 
York County History Center Library & Archives

Richard Jenkins         
Lackawanna and Luzerne Historical Societies

Jack Ertell
Retired History Teacher

Nick Hartley
Pittsburgh City Archivist
Cara Curtis
Archives and Library Director
Cumberland Co Historical Society
Rachael Dreyer
Head of Research Services/Special Collections, 
Penn State, State College 
Rayah Levy
Public Service Librarian
Moravian University
 Kathy Haas
 Director of Historical Resources 
Girard College          
William Whitaker
Director and Chief Curator
Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design
