​Foundations for Your Future Webinars

The PSERS Foundations For Your Future (FFYF) programs are designed to give public school employees an overview of their retirement benefits. These programs provide active  members with general information about PSERS' benefits and services. Attendance at a FFYF program will help you plan for your retirement. Each program lasts approximately 90 minutes. These programs are provided solely for the education of members of PSERS. 

If you have any questions during the course of the presentation you may submit them to the moderator via the Teams Chat feature. Questions may be asked at the conclusion of the session as well.

FFYF webinars are held Thursdays - the dates for the upcoming sessions are available below. Click on your preferred date to register for a webinar today!

None of these dates work? Check back soon! More webinar dates will be available each month.

Can't attend a FFYF program?

A recorded program and a PDF of the presentation are available online!