Statement from PSERS Board Chairman Chris Santa Maria on the Crisis in Ukraine

Over the past few days, we all watched in horror as Russian tanks began their invasion and bombing of Ukrainian cities. Our thoughts are with the brave Ukrainian people as they fight for their freedom and their country.

Last week PSERS Investment Committee Chair Jason Davis and I asked PSERS investment professionals to review the System's investment holdings for exposure to Russia.

As of today, PSERS had under $300 million (less than ½ of 1% of PSERS total assets of $72.5 billion) directly invested in Russian and Belarus investments.

PSERS investment professionals will continue to provide updates to the Board and monitor the situation closely. The Board plans to discuss PSERS holdings at the upcoming Board meeting on March 11th.


Note: Update 3/2/2022 - An Emergency Board meeting has been scheduled for Thursday March 3 at 4:00P.M.


PSERS Media Contact Details

Steve Esack

Press Secretary 717.720.4770
Public School Employees' Retirement System Media