Troop F Information

Troop F covers the counties of Cameron, Clinton, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Potter, Snyder, Tioga, and Union.

Troop F Headquarters


899 Cherry Street
Montoursville, PA 17754

Montoursville Headquarters: 570-368-5700
FAX Number: 570-368-5704
TTY: 570-368-5761

Command Staff

Commanding Officer
Captain Travis W. Doebler

Patrol Section Commander
Lieutenant Joshua M. Thompson

Criminal Investigation Section Commander
Lieutenant Christine M. Fye

Staff Services Section Commander
Lieutenant Craig D. Wharton 

Troop F Stations

PotterCoudersport3084 E. Second Street, Coudersport, PA 16915814-274-8690814-274-9703
CameronEmporium12921 Route 120, Emporium, PA 15834814-486-3321814-486-3994
ClintonLamar113 Boyd Road, Mill Hall PA 17751570-726-6000570-726-7706
TiogaMansfield785 Lambs Creek Rd. Mansfield, PA 16933570-662-2151570-662-1130
NorthumberlandMilton50 Lawton Lane, Milton, PA  17847570-524-2662570-523-9813
LycomingMontoursville899 Cherry Street, Montoursville, PA 17754-0068570-368-5700570-368-5761
SnyderSelinsgrove81 Lorian Drive, Selinsgrove PA 17870570-374-8145570-372-5512
NorthumberlandStonington2465 State Route 61, Sunbury, PA 17801570-286-5601570-988-5511

Community Services Unit

Community Services Officers are available to make presentations on a wide variety of topics to your company, school, or community group. Their goal is to inform the public about crime awareness and increase public safety. Visit Troop F on Twitter.

Tpr. Sara BarrettMiltonsabarrett@pa.gov717-480-3658
Tpr. Lauren LesherMontoursvillelalesher@pa.gov570-368-5764

Camp Cadet

Camp Cadet is a summer camp for boys and girls from Pennsylvania between the ages of 12 and 15. The camp is held at various locations throughout the state and staffed by Troopers, local police officers, and many other volunteers. The goal of Camp Cadet is to introduce participants to the diverse criminal justice system and establish a positive relationship with law enforcement personnel.

Camp Cadet is open to all youth and is structured similarly to training at the police academy. All participants who attend Camp Cadet are addressed as “Cadet” during the week. Cadets are required to participate in all scheduled events. The camp focuses on discipline, self-esteem, teamwork, drug and alcohol education, violence prevention, and many other issues facing today’s youth. There is no cost associated with attending Camp Cadet.

Troop F Camp Cadet Contact Information

The Camp Cadet program in Troop F is designed to follow geographical boundaries. Depending on where you live, will determine which camp you must attend.

Residents of Tioga, Potter, and Cameron Counties attend the Northern Tier Camp Cadet held at the Mansfield University campus during late June of each year. You must be 12 or 13 years of age. For further information on this camp please contact or call 570-368-5700.

Residents of Lycoming County attend the Lycoming County Camp Cadet held at the Little League Baseball complex in South Williamsport during mid-June. You must be 12 or 13 years of age. For further information please contact or call 570-368-5700 or visit

Residents of Clinton County attend the Clinton County Camp Cadet held at the Lock Haven University Seig Conference in Lamar during mid-June. For further information please contact Charles Shoemaker at 570-748-8794 or

Residents of Northumberland, Snyder, Union, and Montour Counties attend the Susquehanna Valley Law Enforcement Camp Cadet. For further information please contact Trooper Sara Barrett at or visit

Sunny Day Camp

Sunny Day Camp started in 2016 to promote relations between children and adults with special needs and the law enforcement agencies that serve their communities. This one-day event includes demonstrations by special units and emergency vehicles on display. There are games and a DJ, and the camp concludes with a formal graduation ceremony. Lunch, snacks, and a Sunny Day t-shirt are included. The event is free, but registration is required. Sunny Day Camp is funded solely by donations from individuals and businesses, separate from donations to Camp Cadet. Troopers and other law enforcement professionals who serve as camp counselors are volunteers who donate their off-duty time.

Child Safety Seat Checks

Troopers who are certified child passenger safety seat experts are available to check or install your car seat for free.

Each station listed below schedules one day per month for seat checks. Call your local station if that day is not convenient. Note that some stations require an appointment.

Cameron County
PSP Emporium - 2nd Monday - 814-486-3321

Clinton County
PSP Lamar - 1st Wednesday - 570-726-6000

Lycoming County
PSP Montoursville - 1st Tuesday - 570-368-5700

Montour/Northumberland (northern)/Union Counties
PSP Milton - 1st Wednesday - 570-524-2662

Northumberland (southern)
PSP Stonington - 2nd Tuesday - 570-286-5601

Potter County
PSP Coudersport - 1st Tuesday - 814-274-8690

Snyder County
PSP Selinsgrove - 2nd Wednesday - 570-374-0468

Tioga County
PSP Mansfield - 2nd Wednesday - 570-662-2151