What services are offered by the Office of Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate?
Before seeking help from the Office of Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate (OTRA), you should first try to resolve any issues by working directly with the Department of Revenue. If you have been unsuccessful in resolving a problem related to individual or inheritance tax, the OTRA provides assistance for taxpayers with concerns about the following:
- An issue with, or action by, the Department of Revenue that has not been resolved by normal, established procedures.
- A delay of more than 180 days.
- A response or resolution not received by the date promised.
- An action by the Department of Revenue that will cause a substantial hardship.
How can the Office of Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate help me?
Generally, the Office of Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate (OTRA) can help a person who:
- Is suffering or is about to suffer a significant hardship.
- Will incur significant costs (including fees for professional representation).
- Has experienced a delay of more than 180 days to resolve a tax issue.
- Has not received a response or resolution by the date promised.
What are your rights as a taxpayer?
Pennsylvania has a Taxpayers' Bill of Rights that ensures equity and fairness in tax administration and enforcement. The Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights sets forth uniform procedures so that the Department of Revenue treats all taxpayers equally and fairly. The department encourages taxpayers to review a department publication, Your Rights as a Taxpayer [PDF], to learn about the department’s responsibilities and the rights they are entitled to.
Contact us
Taxpayers should include a completed Taxpayer Request for Assistance Form (REV-556) with all written correspondence.
You can reach us by phone, email, or fax.
Mailing address:
Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
Office of Taxpayers' Rights Advocate
Lobby, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17128-0101