Transfer of Authority Committee
The purpose of the Transfer of Authority Committee is to work with SBHE legal counsel, the State Board of Education and PDE to review the roles of the State Board of Education and PDE related to higher education, including all relevant higher education laws and to deliver recommendations to the full Board for its consideration as to any additional changes including updates to higher education laws.
Section 2011-L(d)(5) specifies that the SBHE deliver recommendations and related legislation to the Governor and the General Assembly by 5/1/25.
- Chair: Dr. Ann Bieber
- Dr. Brenda Allen
- Mr. Sean Eden
- Angela Fitterer
- Dr. Cindy Shapira, ex-officio
Strategic Planning Committee
The purpose of the Strategic Planning Committee is to lead the strategic planning process for the SBHE, and to deliver recommendations for full board consideration.
Section 2013-L specifies that the SBHE must adopt a strategic plan no later than 9/1/2025.
A draft plan must be made available for public comment for 30 days prior to adoption.
The SBHE must post the plan and annual reports tracking progress to its website and transmit to the Governor, the General Assembly, the president of each institution of higher education, and the president of each bargaining unit that represents employees at institutions of higher education.
- Chair: Dr. Cindy Shapira
- Ms. Bobbie Jo Zapor
- Ms. Andrea Shirk
- Dr. Pedro Rivera
- Mary Louise Esten
- Ms. Nancy Walker
- Dr. Michael Wade Smith
- Dr. Kara Laskowski
Data Committee
The purpose of the Data Committee to collect a broad range of information, expert and stakeholder input regarding strategies to create and maintain databases related to requirements in section 2011-L and 2033-L; consider ways to limit and reduce data collection to the extent feasible and prioritize collecting information reported to Federal, State and accrediting agencies; and to deliver recommendations regarding the establishment of data systems and data collection for full board consideration.
No deadline established in legislation. Committee and Board to establish timeline and deadlines.
- Chair: Mr. Ken Long
- Dr. Cheryl McConnell
- Mr. Mike Warfel
- Angela Fitterer
- Dr. Cindy Shapira, ex-officio
Bylaws Committee
The purpose of the Bylaws Committee is to develop recommendations for full board consideration regarding the operation of the SBHE.
No deadline established in legislation. Committee and Board to establish timeline and deadlines.
- Chair: Mr. Kevin Washo
- Dr. Michael Wade Smith
- Ms. Skyler Wrubleski
- Rep. Pete Schweyer
- Senator Jay Costa
- Senator Langerholc
- Dr. Cindy Shapira, ex-officio