Commonwealth Court and Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Decisions
Below are summaries of decisions issued by the courts regarding appeals of adjudications of the State Civil Service Commission. Each summary includes a link to the full court opinion.
Commonwealth Court issues both reported and unreported opinions. Reported opinions of the Commonwealth Court have precedential effect (they are binding on Commonwealth Court and the parties) and are used to guide future Commonwealth Court decisions. Unreported opinions of the Commonwealth Court do not have precedential effect. The Internal Operating Procedures of Commonwealth Court prohibit citing to any unreported opinion in any opinion of the court, or in any brief or argument addressed to it, with certain limited exceptions.
All opinions of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania are reported.
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Certificate Action Details
- Other Names
- Date of Birth
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For opinions prior to 2011, click the link: Commonwealth Court, or call our office (717-783-1444) to request further assistance.