Pennsylvania Department of State Electronic Data File Layout Precinct Voter Registration Date Extracted: July 27, 2005 Record Count: 9,425 Requested Year: 2003 Requested Election: Municipal Please find the accompanying data file, prcvot.txt, containing precinct level voter registration statistics. The file is an ASCII text, comma delimited file. The file can also be easily imported into most PC database and spreadsheet applications. The arrangement and types of fields in the files is given in the table below. Party 1: Democratic (DEM) Party 2: Republican (REP) Party 3: Libertarian (LIB) Party 4: Green (GRN) Party 5: Other (OTH) Party 6: Not Used Max Field Name and Description Length Data Type -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Election Year 4 Numeric Election Type Code * 1 Character County Code * 2 Numeric Precinct Code 7 Numeric Party 1 rank 2 Numeric Party 1 abbreviation 3 Character Registered Voters for party 1 7 Numeric Party 2 rank 2 Numeric Party 2 abbreviation 3 Character Registered Voters for party 2 7 Numeric Party 3 rank 2 Numeric Party 3 abbreviation 3 Character Registered Voters for party 3 7 Numeric Party 4 rank 2 Numeric Party 4 abbreviation 3 Character Registered Voters for party 4 7 Numeric Party 5 rank 2 Numeric Party 5 abbreviation 3 Character Registered Voters for party 5 7 Numeric Party 6 rank 2 Numeric Party 6 abbreviation 3 Character Registered Voters for party 6 7 Numeric U.S. Congressional District 2 Numeric Pennsylvania State Senatorial District 2 Numeric Pennsylvania State House District 3 Numeric Municipality Type Code * 1 Numeric Municipality Name 23 Character Municipality Breakdown Code 1 * 1 Character Municipality Breakdown Name 1 21 Character Municipality Breakdown Code 2 * 1 Character Municipality Breakdown Name 2 21 Character Bi-County Code ** 2 Numeric MCD Code 3 Numeric FIPS Code 3 Numeric VTD code 4 Numeric Previous Precinct Code 7 Numeric Previous U.S. Congressional District 2 Numeric Previous PA State Senatorial District 2 Numeric Previous PA State House District 3 Numeric -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See tables below. ** If a municipality is located in more than 1 county (i.e. it crosses county lines), this is the code of the other county. Election Type Table ------------------- P Primary G General M Municipal S Special County Code Table ----------------- 01 Adams 02 Allegheny 03 Armstrong 04 Beaver 05 Bedford 06 Berks 07 Blair 08 Bradford 09 Bucks 10 Butler 11 Cambria 12 Cameron 13 Carbon 14 Centre 15 Chester 16 Clarion 17 Clearfield 18 Clinton 19 Columbia 20 Crawford 21 Cumberland 22 Dauphin 23 Delaware 24 Elk 25 Erie 26 Fayette 27 Forest 28 Franklin 29 Fulton 30 Greene 31 Huntingdon 32 Indiana 33 Jefferson 34 Juniata 35 Lackawanna 36 Lancaster 37 Lawrence 38 Lebanon 39 Lehigh 40 Luzerne 41 Lycoming 42 McKean 43 Mercer 44 Mifflin 45 Monroe 46 Montgomery 47 Montour 48 Northampton 49 Northumberland 50 Perry 51 Philadelphia 52 Pike 53 Potter 54 Schuylkill 55 Snyder 56 Somerset 57 Sullivan 58 Susquehanna 59 Tioga 60 Union 61 Venango 62 Warren 63 Washington 64 Wayne 65 Westmoreland 66 Wyoming 67 York Municipality Type Codes ----------------------- 2 City 4 Township 5 Town 6 Borough Municipality Breakdown Codes ---------------------------- D District W Ward P Precinct X Other