
Performance Results

Ferbruary 2025

Check out PennDOT's 2023 Annual Report.

Delivering Results that Improve Your Mobility and Quality of Life

PennDOT oversees programs and policies affecting highways, urban and rural public transportation, airports, railroads, ports, and waterways. More than three-quarters of PennDOT's annual budget is invested in Pennsylvania's approximately 120,000 miles of state and local highways and 32,000 state and local bridges. PennDOT is directly responsible for nearly 40,000 miles of highway and roughly 25,000 bridges, a system first established in 1911.

A comprehensive summary of accomplishments and funding usage in 2023 can be found in our 2023 Annual Report.


Construction Contracts Completed By Private-Sector Partners *


Projects +


Billion in Projects +


Miles of Roadway Improved *

+ Underway or expected to start or go out for bid this year | * From January 2025 - February 2025

Across the state, 1,661 projects are underway or expected to start or go out for bid this year, with a total value of $11.66 billion. More information on project funding can be found on our Transportation Funding page.

In 2025, 10 construction contracts for highway, bridge, and other improvement projects were completed statewide through PennDOT's private-sector partners. 107 state and locally owned bridges were let to be repaired, replaced, or preserved by PennDOT or industry forces through January 2025. 374 miles of roadway were improved by department or partner crews through January 2025. This includes 108 miles of paving.

See projects happening or planned near you at PennDOT's Project Website.

The number of state-owned bridges in poor condition has decreased from a high of 6,034 in 2008 to roughly 2,143. See the condition of bridges near you on our Bridge Conditions Map.

2024 In Review

488 bridges were let to be repaired, replaced, or preserved by PennDOT or industry forces in 2024. 5,910 miles of roadway were improved by department or partner crews in 2024. This includes 2,186 miles of paving.

PennDOT's 11 Engineering Districts throughout the state maintain, restore, and expand the state's highway systems. Each office does its part to deliver a safe and efficient transportation system on the nearly 40,000 miles of highway and rougly 25,400 bridges that PennDOT is reponsible for.

Featured Projects

Overhead view of two teardrop roundabouts being constructed over a major highway.

I-90 Reconstruction Project

District 1

Cost: $66.1 million

County: Erie

Construction workers in safety gear work on top of a bridge at night.

Ball's Bend Safety Improvement Project

District 10

Cost: $26.5 million

County: Butler

Section of newly paved and painted roadway on a residential street.

Route 199 Reconstruction

District 3

Cost: $16.4 million

County: Bradford


2023 PennDOT Highlights

231.6 Million Fixed-Route Bus Trips

65 Operating Railroads

5,900 Miles of Railroad Tracks

120 Licensed Public Airports/Heliports

Three women and one man sit smiling in a bus.

23.8 million

Fixed Bus Trips for Seniors

A man assists a woman with a walker getting off a bus.

4.5 Million

Senior Shared-Ride Program Trips

In 2023, PennDOT advanced several Active Transportation Plan priorities to improve opportunities for walking and biking through coordination efforts with planning regions across the state.

The department is finalizing a Midblock Crosswalk and Trail Crossing Policy for inclusion in Pub 46 (Traffic Engineering Manual). The purpose of this policy is to provide a standard practice and approach for evaluating and/or establishing midblock crosswalks and trail crossings in Pennsylvania.

The department continues to make updates to Pub 13 (Design Manual 2) to provide design flexibility for all modes of transportation.

PennDOT continues to coordinate with local and state partners to prioritize and fund local planning efforts, improve trail facilities, and educate local communities in the value of active transportation.

Department staff continue outreach to all partners on the Active Transportation Plan as part of education and awareness and to emphasize the importance of the PennDOT Connects process to identify and support local planning needs

As of December 2023 there are 664 transit vehicles powered by alternative fuels in operation at Pennsylvania transit agencies. In 2023, 352 transit vehicles were replaced throughout Pennsylvania with the help of state funding.

Container lifts and containers at the Port of Philadelphia due to PA Intermodal Cargo Growth Incentive Program:

  • 24,567 Added Container Lifts (FY 22-23)
  • 261,226 Total Lifts Increased Since 2015 (FY 22-23)

Keystone corridor passenger trips:

  • Keystone: 1,065,459 (FY 22-23)
  • Pennsylvanian: 193,181 (FY 22-23)
  • Total: 1,258,640 (FY 22-23)
  • 95 aviation grants awards (FY 22-23)
  • $56.5 million in grant funding (FY 22-23)
  • 120 public airports/heliports licensed in PA
  • 16 scheduled service airports
  • 16 commercial airports
  • 63 federally sponsored airports
  • 24 Rail Freight Projects (RFAP/RTAP) approved (FY 22-23)
  • 20 Rail Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP)/Rail Freight Assistance Program (RFAP) projects completed in CY 2023 totaling approximately 187 miles of track improved/added
  • 65 operating railroads
  • More than 5,900 miles of track

Driver & Vehicle Services

In 2023, PennDOT's Driver and Vehicle Services licensed Pennsylvania's nearly 9.1 million drivers and 794,100 motorcyclists, while registering nearly 11.8 million vehicles and close to 354,866 motorcycles.


Fiscal Year 2022-2023

Photo Credit: Dave Thompson

Revenue Sources 2022-23
Source Amount
State Funding
Motor License Fund: Non-Restricted $3,151,234,000
Motor License Fund: Restricted $1,924,749,000
Motor License Fund: Restricted Aviation $8,864,000
Multimodal Fund $166,966,000
Act 44 Public Transportation Trust Fund $2,170,840,000
Act 26 Pennsylvania Transportation Assistance Fund $270,489,000
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Bank $30,000,000
Lottery Fund $170,907,000
General Fund $124,169,000
General Fund Bonds $175,000,000
Unconventional Gas Well Fund $1,000,000
Total State Funding $8,194,218,000
Federal & Other Funding
Federal Funds: Highways $1,994,704,000
Federal Funds: Pass Through $191,697,000
Federal Funds: Public Transportation and Other $246,475,000
Federal & Other: Aviation $41,836,000
Other Funds: Highways $204,043,000
Total Federal & Other $2,678,755,000
Total Funding $10,501,525,000
Revenue Uses 2022-23
Source Amount
Highway & Bridge Maintenance $1,856,484,000
Highway & Bridge Improvement $3,262,645,000
Driver & Vehicle Services $338,915,000
Payments to Local Government $960,455,000
PennDOT Facilities $16,500,000
General Government Operations $74,354,000
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Bank $30,000,000
Refunds & Other $3,550,000
Welcome Centers $4,323,000
Total Highway-Related Uses $6,547,226,000
Aviation $60,700,000
Rail Freight $41,000,000
Mass Transit $2,566,329,000
Rural & Intercity Transit $248,375,000
Free & Shared Ride Transit $170,907,000
Aviation Grants $6,720,000
Rail Freight Grants (EA) $11,197,000
Passenger Rail Grants (EA) $8,959,000
Ports & Waterways Grants (EA) $11,197,000
Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Grants Statewide (EA) $2,239,000
Statewide Program Grants (EA) $40,000,000
Multimodal Administration & Oversight (EA) $5,333,000
Transfer to Commonwealth Financial Authority (EA) $81,321,000
Total Multimodal Uses $3,254,277,000
Debt Service & Other Agencies
Pennsylvania State Police $509,870,000
General Fund Capital Debt $115,706,000
Pennsylvania Turnpike $164,959,000
Motor License Fund Capital Debt: Highway and Bridges $129,283,000
Other Agencies $142,652,000
Tort Payments $9,000,000
Total Debt Service & Other Agencies $1,071,470,000
Total Revenue Uses $10,501,525,000

All states struggle with how to pay for transportation infrastructure and services. Pennsylvania is especially challenged in this area for two reasons: the age and size of our transportation network, and our outsized reliance on the unsustainable gas tax to pay for it. Due to inflation and fuel efficiency, it is increasingly clear that the gas tax is not sustainable and other options must be explored to provide reliable transportation funding.

Motor License Fund Income 2022-23
Source Amount
Liquid Fuels Tax $3,805,431,000
License & Fees $1,129,599,000
Other $65,720,000
Total State Revenue Utilized $4,534,297,000
Motor License Fund Expenditures 2022-23
Source Amount
Highway Maintenance $1,741,935,000
Highway & Bridge Improvement $1,377,263,000
State Police $500,000,000
Local Subsidy $649,221,000
Driver & Vehicle Services $272,393,000
Other Department $198,175,000
Turnpike $165,247,000
Other PennDOT $96,516,000
Total State Expenditures $4,534,297,000

How to Reach Us

PennDOT's 11 Engineering Districts throughout the state maintain, restore and expand the state's highway systems. Each office does its part to deliver a safe and efficient transportation system on the nearly 40,000 miles of highway and roughly 25,400 bridges that PennDOT is responsible for.

See or sign up for PennDOT news near you by finding your Regional Office.

More information about PennDOT's operations and the state highway system is available in PennDOT's Fact Book (PDF).

Photo Credit: Dave Thompson

District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 8 District 9 District 10 District 11 District 12

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