Board of Pardons

Prepare Your Clemency Application

What do you need to apply for clemency in Pennsylvania? Your application for a pardon or commutation requires personal details, as well as information about the convictions you are requesting clemency for.

Identify your convictions

Before you apply, you should determine which conviction(s) you’re seeking clemency for. 

    Gather your documents

    For your application for clemency to be reviewed, you must submit all required court documents. Currently incarcerated applicants do not need to submit court documents.

    You must provide the following documents:

    • Criminal complaint
    • Affidavit of probable cause
    • Criminal information/indictment
    • Final plea or verdict
    • Sentencing order
    • Documentation of your financial obligation status

    Pay outstanding fines

    If you have any outstanding financial obligations that were ordered to be paid as part of your sentence, you are strongly encouraged to pay these prior to applying. Outstanding fines, fees, and restitution may cause delays in your application being processed and reviewed.

    To satisfy legal financial obligations, you can:

    • Pay the outstanding balance in full. 
    • Set up a payment plan to incrementally pay your total fines and costs.
    • Petition the court or the district attorney in the county you were convicted to waive your financial obligation (not including restitution). Instead of payment, they may allow you to complete community service. Contact the court or district attorney's office directly for more information. 

    Complete your application

    You will be asked to provide details on the conviction(s) you are seeking clemency for. While there are no specific eligibility requirements, including details on how your life has changed since the offense can support your application.

    What factors does the Board consider?

    All five Board members can reference the information that they feel is most important when reviewing applications. These questions may be helpful to consider as you complete your application:

    • How much time has passed since the crime(s)?
    • What positive changes have you made in your life since the offense(s)?
    • Why are you hoping to receive clemency?
    • What is the impact on the victim(s) of the offense(s)?

    Optional materials

    While not required, submitting information that demonstrates how your life has changed since the conviction(s) can help your application. 

    Write a personal statement

    Personal statements are optional but encouraged. You can use this part of the application to share your story and explain why you are seeking clemency.

    Collect testimonials and letters of support

    If you have individuals who wish to show their support, they may attend alongside you during your virtual hearing. Due to time constraints, they should express their support in writing in advance of the hearing. Letters of support should be submitted to the Board of Pardons by email or mail at least two weeks before the hearing. You can submit letters of support after filing your application. 

    Submit certificates and diplomas of education or training

    The Board may consider how you have made positive changes to your life since the offense. If you have completed education and training, you can share your accomplishments in support of your application. Examples of this include:

    • High school equivalency diploma
    • Job training programs
    • Licenses or certifications
    • College courses or credits completed
    • College degree

    Apply for clemency

    Once you have gathered all required information, it’s time to apply for clemency.