RACP Presentations
Submitting a RACP e-Application
This tutorial will review the steps for submitting a RACP e-Application.
RACP Partner Portal and PMP Submission
This tutorial will review the steps for accessing the Partner Portal and submitting a Project Management Proposal
Contact Us by Mail:
Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program
Office of the Budget
Bureau of Redevelopment, Capital, and Debt
333 Market Street Tower | 18th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2210
NOTE: Requests for information in accordance with the Right-to-Know Law (RTKL), must be submitted directly to OBRightToKnow@pa.gov. Requests sent to any other email address listed on this website will not be considered an official RTKL request. Please see the Office of the Budget's Right-To-Know Law page for more information.
Be advised that any information included in the submission of an e-RACP Online Application (Pre-Award-Application) and PMP (Post-Award-Application) and any attachments thereto may be subject to the Right-to-Know Law in Pennsylvania.