RACP Presentations & Tutorials

New Tutorials Coming Soon!

RACP Presentations


Submitting a RACP e-Application

This tutorial will review the steps for submitting a RACP e-Application.

RACP Partner Portal and PMP Submission

This tutorial will review the steps for accessing the Partner Portal and submitting a Project Management Proposal

Contact Us by Mail:
Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program 
Office of the Budget
Bureau of Redevelopment, Capital, and Debt 
333 Market Street Tower  |  18th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17101-2210

NOTE:  Requests for information in accordance with the Right-to-Know Law (RTKL), must be submitted directly to Requests sent to any other email address listed on this website will not be considered an official RTKL request.  Please see the Office of the Budget's Right-To-Know Law page for more information.

Be advised that any information included in the submission of an e-RACP Online Application (Pre-Award-Application) and PMP (Post-Award-Application)  and any attachments thereto may be subject to the Right-to-Know Law in Pennsylvania.