Grants for Non-Profits

Arts in Education Division

The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts' (PCA) Arts in Education (AIE) Division provides financial support for professional artists to help people explore and develop their creativity and artistic skills through artist residencies in a variety of educational, community, and institutional settings.

Image of mosaic tile artwork, created by students, that reads Valley Forge Park and includes images of trees and deer


Through artist residencies, the PCA's Arts in Education (AIE) Division enables artists to help others explore and develop their creativity and artistic skills in a variety of educational, community and institutional settings.

Arts in Education Residency (AIE) residency grants support a teaching artist and a host site (for example a K-12 school, senior center, veterans' home, or medical facility) to provide the opportunity for a professional teaching artist (or artists) to work with small groups of learners on one or more long-term projects over a set period of time. 

What's a residency like?

  • During a residency, participating learners have creative control over their work. 
  • During a residency, a teaching artist must mentor students. They should help students through guided self-discovery. A teaching artist will also advise on important artistic concepts and skills.
  • Artist residencies are developed collaboratively between the artist and the host organization.  
  • Residency planning is an important part of the residency development. It is is conducted well in advance of the beginning of the residency. This allows time for both the resident artist and host to make detailed arrangements.

Apply for a Residency

About the Arts in Education (AIE) Partnership

Our AIE Partnership enables the PCA to work with and through regional service organizations to provide a higher level of quality and quantity of arts in education services to the field. It is the Council’s intent to strengthen the efficiency and impact of the PCA’s arts in education program while empowering local leadership and action and leveraging additional resources.

AIE partners recruit, select, train, place, and evaluate professional-quality teaching artists for residencies in school and community settings. Partners provide professional development opportunities in arts in education for artists, community organizations and schools in the counties they serve. The partnership currently serves all 67 counties in Pennsylvania.

Additional Services

AIE partner organizations also provide professional development opportunities in arts in education for artists, community organizations and schools in the counties they serve.

To learn more about what AIE opportunities in your region, contact the AIE partner organization in your county.