Pennsylvania Correctional Industries

Why PCI?

Great question. There are many answers.

A coffee kiosk at the capitol

PCI offers work programs inside state correctional facilities that provide real work experience to inmates and is the only self-supporting program within the DOC. Purchasing from PCI facilitates successful reentry for inmates, enhances public safety by reducing recidivism and saves taxpayers’ dollars, as well as:

Inmate Accountability

Wages earned through jobs with PCI contribute to an inmate's cost of incarceration, legal financial obligations, victim restitution, family support and an inmate account.

One-Stop Shopping

Finding everything your organization or agency needs to succeed is easy when you work with our dedicated staff. You can choose from various standard items, as well as customized and configurable items.

No Bids Required

Buying from Pennsylvania Correctional Industries is made easy.

One-on-One Assistance

Experienced PCI staff are ready to assist you! Contact our Sales and Marketing Representatives or our Customer Service Department whether you need help choosing a product to fit your needs or you are ready to start a new project. Our team is committed to the success of our customers!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

PCI is committed to the satisfaction of our customers.

Custom Design

Let us help you with your embroidery and silk-screening logos, custom furniture needs, print work and signage.

Free Shipping

Many items include free shipping to any destination within the state of Pennsylvania.

Economical Contributions

In addition to saving tax dollars, PCI contributes to the strength of the economy through its support of private industry. In 2018, PCI purchased more than $44 million worth of raw materials, supplies, and services from the private sector. Additionally, capital assets in excess of $4.8 million were procured during the same period.

Work Ethic

Most inmates enter the Pennsylvania correctional system with few job skills. Many have never held a job that provided a reasonable measure of economic security. Others failed to develop good work habits necessary to maintain employment. For many inmates, developing these work habits is even more important than mastering a specific vocation or skill. At PCI, inmates learn marketable job skills in state-of-the-art production and manufacturing operations. Additionally, PCI shop staff require inmate workers to be team players: punctual, reliable, timely in the completion of their work, and dependable. Inmate workers learn to follow directions, develop problem-solving skills and take pride in good work, done well.

Vendor Information

Visit the Department of General Services' emarketplace to find links to current opportunities to sell PCI the materials we use every day.