The following are research projects currently under review:

Vol 14, No 1 - (7/11) Reviews (Justice Reinvestment to policing, voluntary max-outs, "criminological theory" series part 3)

Vol 13, No 2 - (8/10) Reviews (Reinforcing Positive Behavior curriculum, "criminological theory" series part 2, and prison gang management)
Vol 13, No 1 - (3/10) Reviews ("When Brute Force Fails" book review; redemption; special section on theory)

Vol 12, No 4 - (12/09) PADOC Evaluations (COR Evaluation)
Vol 12, No 3 - (11/09) CJDATS Project
Vol 12, No 2 - (7/09)  PA DOC Evaluations (TC Outcome Evaluations)
Vol 12, No 1 - (4/09)  Psychopathy  

Vol 11, No 4 - (12/08)  Article Reviews (sexual victimization of female offenders, CCTV monitoring, mandatory treatment and private prisons) 
Vol 11, No 3 - (9/08)  PADOC Evaluations (Pilot CBT Programs)  
Vol 11, No 2 - (7/08)  Article Reviews (gender responsive treatment, principles of effective intervention, family structure and crime and mentoring) 
Vol 11, No 1 - (1/08)  Article Reviews (sex offenders, desistance, boot camps and prison violence) 
Vol 10, No 4 - (12/07)  Prison Rape and Sexual Assault 
Vol 10, No 3 - (10/07)  Correctional Population Projections 
Vol 10, No 2 - (7/07)  Article Reviews (sentencing reform, batterer counseling, and special section on self control theory) 
Vol 10, No 1 - (5/07)  Article Reviews (female offender reentry, assessment at sentencing and parenting programs) 
Vol 9, No 4 - (12/06)  PADOC Parole Violator Study (phase 2 results) 
Vol 9, No 3 - (10/06)  Article Reviews (sex offenders, prison industries and reentry) 
Vol 9, No 2 - (9/06)  Article Reviews (boot camps, reentry programs and drug courts) 
Vol 9, No 1 - (6/06)  Article Reviews (cognitive-behavioral treatment, prison misconducts and disorder, and female treatment programs) 

Vol 8, No 4 - (12/05)  Article Reviews (cognitive-behavioral treatment and parole programming) 
Vol 8, No 3 - (11/05)  Article Reviews (sex offender treatment, employment programs, electronic monitoring, experimental research in criminology, and principles of effective treatment) 
Vol 8, No 2 - (9/05)  PA DOC Evaluation (LDD) 
Vol 8, No 1 - (7/05) PADOC Parole Violator Study (phase 1 results) 
Vol 7, No 4: - (12/04) Article Reviews (risk principle, female offenders, sex offenders, cognitive-behavioral evaluation) 
Vol 7, No 3: - (10/04) Article Reviews (Sex Offenders, Sentencing Guidelines, Reentry, Criminal Career Research) 
Vol 7, No 2: - (7/04) PA DOC Evaluations (RSAT Process and Outcome Evaluations) 
Vol 7, No 1: - (4/04) AOD Evaluations 
Vol 6, No 4: - (12/03) PA DOC Evaluations (AOD Outcome Eval, Education) 
Vol 6, No 3: - (9/03) PA DOC Evaluations (COR) 
Vol 6, No 2: - (6/03) PA DOC Evaluations (YAO, LDD) 
Vol 6, No 1: - (3/03) PA DOC Evaluations (AOD Process Eval) 
Vol 5, No 4: - (12/02) Community-Based Corrections/Reentry 
Vol 5, No 3: - (9/02) Young Adult Offender Issues 
Vol 5, No 2: - (6/02) Inmate Motivation for Treatment 
Vol 5, No 1: - (5/02) Inmate Reentry 
Vol 4, No 4: - (12/01) Inmate Assessment 
Vol 4, No 3: - (12/01) Correctional Education  
Vol 4, No 2: - (8/01) Therapeutic Communities  
Vol 4, No 1: - (7/01) What Works and Sex Offender Treatment 
Vol 3, No 3: - (10/00) Inmate Reentry  
Vol 3, No 1 & 2: - (7/00) Drug Treatment Outcomes 
Vol 2, No 4: - (12/99) Article Reviews (Female Offenders, Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, AOD Treatment, Sex Offenders, Shock Incarceration)  
Vol 2, No 3: - (11/99) Article Reviews (What Works Book Review, AOD Treatment Implementation, Lifestyle Change Program, Responsibility Model)  
Vol 2, No 2: - (7/99) Article Reviews (TC Evaluation, Prison Privatization, Corrections Performance Measures, Parenting Program)  
Vol 2, No 1: - (3/99) Article Reviews (Violence Prevention, Leadership in Corrections, Assessment and Screening, HIV/AIDS, U.S. Sentencing Policy)   
Vol 1, No 4: - (12/98) Article Reviews (Program Evaluation, AOD Treatment, HIV Prevention in TCs, Prison Chaplains, Prisoner Litigation)  
Vol 1, No 3: - (10/98) Article Reviews (Shock Incarceration, Alternatives to Incarceration, HIV/AIDS, AOD Assessment, Inmate Misconducts)  
Vol 1, No 2: - (7/98) Article Reviews (Boot Camps, Healthcare, Inmate Misconducts, AOD Assessment, Attitudes Towards Treatment, Inmate Victimization)  
Vol 1, No 1: - (3/98) Article Reviews (AOD Treatment, Sex Offenders, Predicting Prison Misconducts, Young Adult Offenders, Female Criminal Thinking Styles)