Office of Children, Youth, and Families (OCYF)

​Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Support

The Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Support (BBFS) provides support functions for OCYF and county child welfare agencies, including: invoicing for state and federal revenue; budgeting; personnel; management of federal grants and revenue; fulfillment of needs-based budget mandates; and administrative, financial and operational support.

The BBFS increases fiscal accountability through cost reporting, recovery, containment, justification, and redistribution.

In conjunction with program and policy staff, the BBFS develops and updates federal and state plans under Titles IV-B and IV-E of the Social Security Act and monitors implementation of these programs.

The BBFS provides leadership during program reviews and state / federal audits, including gathering financial and program support information, issuing responses, and acting as a liaison with other commonwealth partners.

The BBFS also provides leadership in setting fiscal policy related to allowable state and federal expenditures at the county level, and related state and Title IV-B and IV-E expenditures at the program level. The BBFS prepares, analyzes, and submits financial information for the development of OCYF's operating budget, including grants and subsidies, as well as the needs-based budget. For the general operating budget, the BBFS serves as the lead with regard to all child welfare personnel, operating, fixed asset procurement, and leasing activities.


Melissa Erazo
Bureau Director
Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Support
Phone: 717-783-3856

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS), which is in part comprised of the Office of Children, Youth, and Families (OCYF) complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.