Due to COVID-19, the ECM project has been delayed, but the DHS is actively working to develop a new timeline and will provide information to the counties when it becomes available. Decisions need to be made about the order of subsystems within a phase and the roll-out strategy for each subsystem.

The ECM implementation timeline spans multiple years and is comprised of three phases. The following describes, at a high level, the anticipated phases and timing of each:

Phase 0: 

  • ECM Pegasystems Platform Established 2022 (upon which subsystems will be implemented)

Phase 1 Beginning Fall 2023:

  • Hearings & Appeals Targeted Implementation Date of Summer 2024
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBSS) Target Implementation Date of December 2025 
  • OLTL Enrolment July 2026

Phase 2: 

  • Child Welfare Case Management (CW CM) Targeted Implementation Date of December 2025