ECM's advantages and opportunities also extend to additional stakeholder groups including:

  • Advocacy Organizations
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  • County Case Management System Vendors
  • County Commissioners
  • County Controllers/Comptrollers/Fiscal Officers
  • County Human Services Agency Directors
  • County Information Technology Officers
  • District Attorney's Offices
  • Federal Administration for Children and Families, Children's Bureau
  • General Public
  • Governor's Office
  • Health and Human Services Deliver Center Business Relationship Management Office (HHSDC BRM)
  • Health and Human Services Delivery Center Information Technology (HHSDC IT)
  • Healthcare providers (counselors, behavioral health, dental, medical, mental health, therapists)
  • Higher Education Institutions (Univ. of Pittsburgh's Child Welfare Resource Center)
  • Industry Organizations (AAAs, CCAP, Child Welfare Council, PCYA, PALPA, etc.)
  • Juvenile Courts
  • Juvenile Probation Officers
  • Local Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Managed Care Organizations (physical and behavioral health)
  • PA Administration of Courts
  • PA Department of Aging/Aging Well
  • PA Office of Inspector General
  • Preschools/Intermediate Units
  • Public/Private Schools and School Districts
  • Trade Unions/Collective Bargaining Units