Enterprise Case Management

Child Welfare Case Management Subsystem


A goal of the ECM initiative is to provide a statewide child welfare case management system that will replace existing solutions. ECM will replace the Child Welfare Information Solution (CWIS) and the six county-level case management systems currently used in Pennsylvania.
The CW CM solution will enable:

  • Flexibility in supporting county nuances and responsiveness to the diversity of counties, when necessary.
  • Identification of child welfare best practices.
  • Implementation of support and coordination to incorporate best practices and flexibility to the Commonwealth and counties.

This new platform will be a comprehensive, integrated system that will support best practices across the Commonwealth, implement standardization when possible, and allow flexibility to support unique processes considered critical by the counties.
The vision of CW CM is to have a comprehensive, state-of-the-art, child welfare system that:

  • Improves outcomes for our children and families.
  • Provides a statewide view of the child.
  • Supports improved collaboration and partnerships.
  • Enhances decision making and program improvements.
  • Provides a tool for child welfare professionals that is viewed as indispensable to their practice.
  • Responds to diverse county operations through flexible configuration.

The ECM platform will help meet these CW CM specific goals.



Improved Child Safety and Well-Being

  • Provides for real-time child and family specific information, financial data, and aggregate program information accessible at the state and county levels to track results efficiently and effectively.
  • Provides transparency across data and a complete view of the child and family.
  • Ensures the system can accommodate different child welfare practices across the Commonwealth.

Effective Case Management Tool

  • Supports user needs, is end-user friendly, and is easily and readily adjustable to the user’s daily routine.
  • Reduces technical and data blockers to support child welfare outcomes.
  • Provides workers with the tools needed to support and streamline their day-to-day operations.

Increased Cost Savings

  • Cost savings are realized across system maintenance, operations, and implementation activities.
  • Limits additional cost of additional development.

Federal and Local Regulation Compliance

  • Enables the Commonwealth and counties to meet federal reporting requirements more effectively, efficiently, and economically and to obtain Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) funding, where appropriate.
  • Allows the counties to produce reports needed at the local level.

Improved Data Quality and Accessibility

  • Improves the accuracy and timeliness of data to evaluate child welfare program performance and outcomes and improves the tracking and auditing of the use of state and federal funds.
  • Decreases manual data collection.
  • Standardizes data inputs across the system.
  • Meets individual county and state requirements for reporting.
  • Provides counties with access to their own data for reporting needs.


Better Performance Measurement and Outcomes

  • Improves data analytics, generates greater insight from the data, and reduces the level of duplication of information technology (IT) management across 67 counties.
  • Provides scalable and measurable data to support performance measurement and positive outcomes for children and families.