Request for Proposal and Program Requirements

Complaints and Grievances Templates

Waiver Application

Community HealthChoices 1915(b) Managed Care and 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Waivers

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania operates the CHC §1915(c) waiver application concurrently with a §1915(b) waiver application. CHC is Pennsylvania’s managed Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) initiative. The 1915(b)/1915(c) waivers allow the Commonwealth to require Medicaid beneficiaries to receive both LTSS, including nursing facility, hospice, home and community-based services (HCBS), and physical health services through managed care organizations (MCOs).

Public Input

As part of the initial application process in 2017, the Department solicited written comments regarding the proposed CHC 1915(b) and the proposed CHC 1915(c) waiver amendment. Comments received during the 30-day comment period were reviewed and considered for revisions to the applications prior to submitting to CMS. The Department has posted the comment and response documents for stakeholder review.


As part of the re-procurement of the CHC program, the Department solicited public comments on the CHC Request for Information (RFI) between March 6, 2023 and April 14, 2023. The Department has posted a link to the RFI and a summary of those public comments for stakeholder review..

CHC Concept Paper

This concept paper describes the features of CHC and is intended to gather feedback from stakeholders.

The commonwealth invites feedback on this document from participants, advocacy organizations, providers, managed care organizations, care coordination agencies, legislators, family members, and other interested members of the public. Feedback received will be used to finalize the program design and issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) in November 2015. Were you unable to make it to one of our public hearings?

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