2025 Community HealthChoices (CHC) Waiver Amendment

Effective January 1, 2025

The Department of Human Services (DHS) Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) will be submitting a renewal for the CHC 1915(c) home and community-based services waiver with an effective date of January 1, 2025. The Department proposes the following substantive and technical changes to the CHC waiver:

  • Amend the following service definitions: 
    • Benefits Counseling
    • Employment Skills Development 
    • Home Adaptations 
    • Telecare 
  • Add teleservices to the following services:
    • Cognitive Rehabilitation
    • Counseling Services
  • Add Chore Services as a new waiver service. 
  • Remove references to the Organized Health Care Delivery System (OHCDS) and the Participant Review Tool.
  • Modify timeframes for developing and implementing Person-Centered Service Plans.
  • Reduce the years of experience needed for Structured Day Habilitation Support Staff to two years.
  • Update Appendix G: Participant Safeguards to the current process.
  • Update the Quality Strategy to current process.
  • Modify language throughout for better readability.
  • Clarify when child abuse clearances are needed for direct care workers. 

Interested persons are invited to submit written comments regarding the proposed waiver renewal to the Department of Human Services, Office of Long-Term Living, Bureau of Policy Development and Communications Management, Attention: CHC 2025 Waiver Renewal, P.O. Box 8025, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8025. Comments may also be submitted to the Department at RA-waiverstandard@pa.gov. Please use “CHC 2025 Waiver Renewal” as the subject line. Comments received by close of business on July 14, 2024, will be reviewed and considered for revisions to the proposed waiver renewal. Please use the CHC Waiver Comment Form at the bottom of this page.

The CHC waiver renewal public notice was published on Saturday, June 15, 2024, in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. View the public notice here.

(*) This Appendix contains proposed changes


CHC Waiver Comment Form