Fee Schedule - Asbestos Certification & Accreditation

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Labor & Industry
Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety
CAL Division

1.Training Course Accreditation (cost per course):$2,422.50
2.Company Application:$181.69
3.Occupation Certification Application 
 Less than 6 months left on training certificate$36.34
 6 months or more left on training certificate$72.67
 Less than 6 months left on training certificate$70.25
 6 months or more left on training certificate$140.50
 Project Designer:
 Less than 6 months left on training certificate$211.97
 6 months or more left on training certificate$423.94
 Less than 6 months left on training certificate$211.97
 6 months or more left on training certificate$423.94
 Management Planner:
 Less than 6 months left on training certificate$211.97
 6 months or more left on training certificate$423.94
 Inspector & Management Planner (application made for both at the same time):
 Less than 6 months left on training certificate$211.97
 6 months or more left on training certificate$423.94
 Contractor Individual:
 Less than 6 months left on training certificate$351.26
 6 months or more left on training certificate$702.52
 Contractor Individual & Supervisor (application made for both at the same time):
 Less than 6 months left on training certificate$351.26
 6 months or more left on training certificate$702.52
4.Duplicate license (bar code letter) or certificate:$30.28