General Safety

The General Safety Law keeps employees safe at work by making rules for the workplace. 


The General Safety Law protects public sector employees by setting rules for workplace safety. It covers places where people work for pay, except farms and homes. The law makes sure machines are guarded to prevent injuries. It also requires harmful dust, fumes, and gases to be removed or workers to have protective gear. Excavations need strong support, and scaffolds and ladders must be safe. The Department investigates safety concerns for county, city, and state workers under this law.

Complaint Investigation Process

Follow these steps to file a complaint:

1. Fill out the General Safety Law Complaint Form (LIBI 28). Include any proof like documents or photos.

2. Send the form by email to, fax it to (717) 346-1233, or mail it to:

Chief, UCC Inspection Division Department of Labor & Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1624
Harrisburg, PA 17121-0750

3. After we get your complaint, we'll check if it's something we can investigate. If we find your complaint has merit, we'll assign someone to look into it.

4. The investigator will contact you and your employer to explain what happens next. They might ask for more info or meetings. Once the investigation's done, we'll decide if your complaints were true.

5. Depending on what we find, we might do one of these:

  • Tell the employer to fix any problems we found.
  • Say we didn't find any problems.
  • Decide to take legal action.

6. You'll get a copy of our report when we're done.