SIDES TPA and Large Employers

SIDES is an integrated computer-to-computer interface designed for employers and third-party administrators (TPAs) that typically deal with a large volume of unemployment compensation information requests. SIDES is especially helpful to those employers and TPAs that operate in multiple states.

SIDES provides a nationally standardized format in which employers and TPAs can receive and easily respond to unemployment compensation information requests, attach documentation when needed, and receive a date-stamped confirmation of receipt.

Employers and TPAs that use SIDES are able to better anticipate and supply the data needed for unemployment compensation information requests. In return, using SIDES:

  • reduces follow-up phone calls;
  • helps prevent payments to those who don't meet eligibility requirements;
  • eliminates unnecessary appeals; and
  • streamlines unemployment compensation response processes, which reduces paperwork while saving time and money.

Given the sensitive data exchanged, SIDES has multiple layers of security that require authentication certificates and encrypted records and files.

For more information about SIDES, please see the SIDES fact sheet. Large employers and third-party administrators may get additional information about SIDES visit:

SIDES E-Response for Small Businesses

When a worker becomes unemployed and applies for unemployment compensation (UC) benefits, L&I contacts former employers to find out why the worker is no longer employed. We rely on employers to give us this information so we can use it, along with information provided by the worker, to determine if the worker is entitled to benefits.

One of the main causes of improper UC payments is a lack of accurate information about why a worker was separated from his or her job. In order to prevent improper benefit payments, we need employers to respond to our information requests accurately, completely and in a timely manner. When you do this, you help prevent erroneous payments that can affect your UC tax rate.

SIDES E-Response helps you respond to our questions about your former employees' UC claims quickly and efficiently.

SIDES E-Response offers many additional benefits:

  • FREE to use
  • It offers one, nationally standardized format for information requests.
  • Data checks ensure the exchange of complete and valid information.
  • You receive requests for information faster, which means you can respond faster.
  • You receive a receipt as proof that your timely reply was processed.
  • It offers a single-point-of contact for questions and answers.
  • Fewer follow-up phone calls and less correspondence are needed.
  • It lowers your postage costs and generates less paper.

An employer must complete a "Registration to Partner with Pennsylvania to use the State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) E-Response" enrollment application agreeing to the terms and conditions and providing identifying and contact information. The instructions for applying are provided on the E-Response enrollment application. Currently the form may be sent via US Postal Service, email or FAX. Once an employer's registration is processed, the employer will receive an email message to confirm that they are registered to participate with Pennsylvania in SIDES. (insert hyperlink to the application).

E-Response notifications will be sent electronically to the e-mail address that the employer provides on their enrollment application. This e-mail address will be confirmed after your registration is processed. When a request for separation information is posted to the SIDES E-Response website, an email notification, which includes the employer's PIN (Personal Identification Number, generated by the SIDES E-Response system), will be sent to the employer. If multiple requests to an employer are posted to the SIDES E-Response website on the same day, the employer will receive only one notification.

The employer will log onto the E-Response website using their log in information and PIN and be presented with a request, or a list of requests, for separation information. Each request has a Response Status and a Due Date. The employer will be able to tell which responses have already been submitted and which requests are new. To provide the requested separation information, the employer clicks on Create Response, enters the requested information and submits the response. After the employer has submitted the separation information, a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the E-Response is created by SIDES. The PDF can be printed or saved as an electronic file for future reference.

Near the end of the process for entering an E-Response, the user will arrive at a screen that provides step-by-step instructions for including an attachment(s) with the E-Response. Acceptable file formats for attachments are: csv, pdf, rtf, tiff, and txt. The user can attach up to 10 attachments with an E-Response. However, the total size of all attachments to a single response is limited to a maximum of 5 MB.

After a response has been submitted, it remains on the SIDES E-Response website for 30 days from the date of the request. If, within that 30-day period, there is a need to correct, or provide additional information, the user can log back onto the E-Response website, identify the claimant on the Requests page and click Create Amendment. The same series of screens will be presented. Before submitting an amended response, the user will be asked to explain why the previous response is being amended and what has changed. After the amended response is submitted, the user will be able to see both the original and the amended response. An E-Response can be amended up to nine times.