Fighting Fraud

We can only fight workers’ compensation insurance fraud with your help!

There are several types of insurance fraud:

Employee/ Claimant Fraud: where a person files for a claim or an injury that was not work-related or that never occurred.

Billing/Provider Fraud: where a provider bills for services never rendered or for more time/services than actually provided.

Premium/Insured Fraud: committed by underreporting payroll or misclassifying payroll/job classifications.

To report suspected workers’ compensation insurance fraud against the State Workers’ Insurance Fund please contact SWIF FIGHTING FRAUD or call 570-941-1644. It is to our benefit to keep all calls confidential, but there may be times that we need additional contact and although you may remain anonymous, we would appreciate a contact number at which to reach you.

Please include the following in your allegation of suspected fraud:

Name and Address (city) of the suspect i.e.; claimant, attorney, health care provider, employer or facility that you wish to report.

Reasons why you suspect that fraud is being committed. Please be specific where you can.

Additional information in your complaint may include:

  • Physical description of the claimant i.e.: height, weight, hair color/length and any other distinguishing characteristics.

  • Vehicle information: make, model, license etc.

The Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority (IFPA) also has set up an Insurance Fraud Hotline (toll-free) at 1-888-565-IFPA (4372) where you can phone in a fraud complaint for any insurance company doing business in Pennsylvania.

Contact Information

State Workers' Insurance Fund
100 Lackawanna Avenue
P.O. Box 5100
Scranton, PA 18505-5100

Phone: 570-941-1644
Fax: 570-963-4261 
