​Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act

 Provisions of the act, rules and regulations, and statements of policy can be viewed on the Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin website. You can also view Part VIII Workers' Compensation BureauChapter 111 Special Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure Before the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board, and Chapter 131 Special Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure Before Workers’ Compensation Judges in Title 34 Labor and Industry of the Pennsylvania Code on the site, as well.

A Brief History of Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law

In 1915, the Pennsylvania Legislature enacted the Pennsylvania Workmen's (Workers') Compensation Act (act). The statute charges the Department of Labor & Industry (department) and the Bureau of Workers' Compensation (bureau) with carrying out the administrative and appeal obligations defined in the act and specifies compensation for employees who are injured as a result of employment without regard to fault. Amendments eventually merged the compensation for injuries and occupational diseases into this act. The statute defines the benefits available to Pennsylvania workers, the conditions under which benefits are available and the procedures for obtaining them.

The workers' compensation system protects employees and employers. Employees receive medical treatment and are compensated for lost wages associated with work-related injuries and disease, and employers provide for the cost of such coverage while being protected from direct lawsuits by employees.

Workers' compensation coverage is mandatory for most employers under Pennsylvania law. Employers who do not have workers' compensation coverage may be subject to lawsuits by employees and to criminal prosecution by the commonwealth.

Some employers are exempted from workers' compensation coverage. Exemptions include: people covered under other workers' compensation acts, such as railroad workers, longshoremen and federal employees; domestic servants (coverage is optional); agricultural workers who work fewer than 30 days or earn less than $1,200 in a calendar year from one employer; and employees who have requested, and been granted, exemption due to religious beliefs or their executive status in certain corporations.

In Pennsylvania, employers can obtain workers' compensation insurance through a licensed insurance carrier or the State Workers' Insurance Fund. In addition, employers can apply to the bureau to seek approval to self-insure their liability. Self-insurance is granted by the bureau based on criteria established by the act and the department.

Employees are covered for the entire period of their employment. Therefore, coverage begins the first day on the job. Injuries or diseases caused or aggravated by employment are covered under workers' compensation, regardless of the employee's previous physical condition.

​Workers' Compensation and Workplace Safety Annual Report

The Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation and Workplace Safety Annual Report demonstrates the workers' compensation program's commitment to workplace safety, superior customer service, innovation and excellence in carrying out the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act.

Statistical information on Pennsylvania workplace injuries and illnesses reported to the Bureau of Workers' Compensation is provided in the annual report or in a separate report and may be used for injury and illness trending and incident prevention purposes.

If an alternative version is needed but not listed as available, please contact Workers' Compensation: ra-li-bwc-helpline@pa.gov.


2001-02 Annual Report

2002-03 Annual Report

2003-04 Annual Report

2004-05 Annual Report

2005-06 Annual Report

2006 Annual Report

2007-08 Annual Report

2008 Workplace Injury & Illness Report

2009 Annual Report

2009 Workplace Injury & Illness Report

2010 Annual Report

2011 Annual Report

2012 Annual Report

2013 Annual Report

2014 Annual Report

2015 Annual Report

2016 Annual Report

2017 Annual Report

2018 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report