Information regarding weekly deduction amounts may be accessed from your UC dashboard. Select Claim Summary. The screen will display the breakdown of each week's UC benefit payment, including any support withheld.

The Department of Human Services administers the child support program. Those services can be found at Child support information specific to your UC claim may be obtained by calling UI Claimant Services Child Support at 717-787-5856.

It is each county or state's Domestic Relations Section, and not the Office of Unemployment Compensation Benefits Policy, which can modify child support attachments. To request changes to an existing child support attachment, contact the Domestic Relations Section in the county or state where the child support case is located.

If you feel that the amount to be withheld is unfair, or you wish to raise any dispute, you are advised to contact your Domestic Relations Section (DRS).

Support withholding will continue until the UC benefits to which you are entitled are exhausted or until your county's DRS no longer requires withholding, whichever comes first. It is each county or state's DRS, not the Office of Unemployment Compensation Benefits Policy, which can terminate child support attachments.

The "Support Withholding from Unemployment Compensation" (UCP-24) brochure is available here.