Twelve industry clusters, with critical sub-clusters, have been identified for workforce strategies. These 12 clusters account for nearly 83 percent of all employment in the commonwealth. They are used to:
- Offer a consistent definition that allows for the comparison of the industrial structure of regional economies.
- Identify major employers in significant clusters as a springboard for building Sector Partnerships.
- Provide a basis for occupational data analysis by grouping industries together that share workforce needs.
- Determine training that prepares the commonwealth's workforce for jobs that drive those clusters.
Background information, as well as a complete listing of the industries included in each cluster, is provided in the Pennsylvania’s Industry Clusters document.
Industry Cluster Snapshots
The following documents provide a quick overview of each of Pennsylvania's 12 industry clusters.
To download a PDF, select the appropriate industry cluster from the list below:
Agriculture and Food Production
Hospitality, Leisure and Entertainment
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