Medical Criteria and Regulations

Medical Criteria and Regulations

PennDOT has a Medical Advisory Board that is responsible for the formulation of physical and mental criteria, including vision standards, for the licensing of drivers. The board consists of a neurologist, a cardiologist, an internist, a general practitioner, an ophthalmologist, a psychiatrist, an orthopedic surgeon, an optometrist, and members from PennDOT, General Counsel, Department of Health and the Pennsylvania State Police. The meetings of the Medical Advisory Board are public. Additionally, the formulation of these regulations is open for public review and comment through the Commonwealth's Regulatory Review process. 

Below is a brief list of reporting criteria. For a more complete list of standards for non-school bus drivers, refer to the PA Code 67, Chapter 83 and PA Code 67, Chapter 71 for school bus driver standards.

Physical Criteria:

  • Visual acuity and field of vision standards.
  • Hearing requirements (for school bus drivers only).
  • Seizure disorder.
  • Unstable diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular conditions.
  • Cerebral vascular insufficiency.
  • Periodic episodes of loss of consciousness and/or awareness.
  • Loss or impairment of joint or extremity.
  • Rheumatic, arthritic, orthopedic, muscular, vascular or neuromuscular disease expected to last longer than 90 days.
  • Use of any drug or substance that is known to impair skill or function.

Mental Criteria:

  • Cognitive Impairments.
  • Inattentiveness to the task of driving because of, for example, preoccupation, hallucination or delusion.
  • Contemplation of suicide, as may be present in acute or chronic depression or in other disorders.
  • Excessive aggressiveness or disregard for the safety of self or others or both, presenting a clear and present danger.


PA Code 67, Chapter 71

PA Code 67, Chapter 83