Contact Us

We provide free help to anyone with a concern or complaint about Pennsylvania financial institutions, services, or products.


Call 1 (800) PA-BANKS (800-722-2657) toll-free nationwide. 


Our work is funded entirely by the assessments and fees paid by Pennsylvania’s regulated financial community.  No taxpayer dollars are used to support our work. 


*This number is for consumers. Licensees and other regulated entities should utilize contact information provided on the sidebar to reach the appropriate office.

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File a complaint about a financial entity or professional

The Consumer Services Office helps consumers with concerns about financial entities. If you're a licensee, representative, or employee, direct your inquiry to your program area.

File a complaint about a financial entity or professional

Consumer Resources

The Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities (DoBS), Consumers Services Office assists consumers who have issues or concerns with state-chartered and licensed banks and credit unions, investment firms and professionals, consumer lenders, and other financial services firms.

Consumer Resources

Schedule a Department of Banking & Securities Presentation or Outreach Event

Schedule a presentation or event by phone, email, or mail.

Schedule a Department of Banking & Securities Presentation or Outreach Event

Media Resources

Welcome to the Press and Communications Office, the source for news and public information from the Department of Banking & Securities.​

Media Resources

Apply for a Job at the Department of Banking & Securities

You can find career opportunities in our program areas (Securities, Depository Institutions, Non-Depository Institutions, and Administration) or in one of our other offices or divisions.

Apply for a Job at the Department of Banking & Securities

Mailing Address

Market Square Plaza
17 N. Second Street, Suite 1300
Harrisburg, PA 17101


Consumer Services Office: 

1 (800) PA-BANKS

Financial Institutions: 

Bank Supervision:

(717) 783-8240

Trust Supervision: 

(717) 783-2253

Credit Union Supervision: 

(717) 425-5471

Non-Bank Licensees:

Licensing Office:

(717) 787-3717

Compliance Office: 

(717) 772-3889

Examinations Office: 

(717) 425-5460


Office of Corporation Finance: 

(717) 425-5481

Bureau of Securities Compliance and Examinations: 

(717) 783-4223

Securities Registration Office: License Inquires 

(717) 783-4217