Professional Members:

DuPree, Kenneth C. (Chairperson)
6/8/20 - 6/8/25 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Feryo, Christopher
6/5/24 - 6/5/29 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Furlong, Gregory K (Secretary)
6/29/23-6/29/28 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Vacant, Open position

Snyder III, Charles
02/15/24 - 06/08/25 USQ for Six Months
1st Term​


Public Members:

Ruggeri, Eric D.
6/29/23-6/29/28 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Vacant, Position Open



Kirk, Jennifer
Consumer Protection
Office of Attorney General

Claggett, Arion R.
Commissioner of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs


USQ=Until Successor Qualifies 


QUORUM REQUIREMENTS - Five members of the board. 

5 Funeral Directors 

2 Public Members 

1 Consumer Protection 

1 Commissioner