Pennsylvania Licensure Requirements

No Education Requirement

No Examination Requirement

No Examination Requirement

No Continuing Education Requirement

$92.00 Initial Fee

$96.00 Renewal Fee

An individual holding either a standard or reciprocal license, employed by a broker or cemetery broker exclusively to perform the duties of a cemetery broker.

Degree Requirement: 

No Degree Requirement
No degree requirement for licensure.

Examination Requirement: 

No Examination Requirement
No examination requirement for licensure.


No Experience Requirement
An individual who wants to obtain a standard cemetery salespersons license must be 18 years of age or older and submit a completed license application to the Commission with a sworn affidavit from the broker or cemetery broker with whom the applicant will be affiliated. The affidavit shall attesting to the applicant's good reputation and certify that they will actively supervise and train the applicant.

Continuing Education: 

No Continuing Education Requirement
No continuing education requirement for licensure.

Initial Licensing Fee: 

Licensure Fee - $72.00
Application Fee - $20.00

Renewal Fee:

Biennial renewal of license.

Licensure by Reciprocity & Licensure by Act 41:

An individual who wants to obtain a reciprocal cemetery salesperson's license shall:

Possess a current cemetery salesperson's license issued by a state that agrees to issue a license to a standard Pennsylvania licensee without further requirement or has qualifications for licensure which are substantially comparable to those required by the State Real Estate Commission. When a reciprocal applicant applies from a state that would require a Pennsylvania licensee to complete additional education, experience or examination requirements, the reciprocal applicant shall complete equivalent requirements for licensure in Pennsylvania.

Act 41 allows for portability of out-of-state professional licensees coming to work in Pennsylvania. Act 41 does this by granting all boards and commissions within the Commonwealth the authority to endorse licensees from other states, territories or jurisdictions (with substantially equivalent licensing requirements) who are active, in good standing and without discipline against their license or criminal conviction.