Excluded or Exempt Organizations

In Pennsylvania, some organizations may be exluded or exempt from some regulations. 

Types of Organizations and Criteria for Exclusion or Exemption

Organizations of law enforcement personnel, firefighters, or other persons who protect the public safety

  • Stated purpose in solicitations must not include any benefit to any person outside the actual active membership of the organization.

Religious institutions and separate groups or corporations which form integral parts of religious institutions.

  • Organization must be tax-exempt under the Internal Revenue Code; and
  • No part of the organization's net income can inure to the direct benefit of any individual; and
  • The organization's conduct must be primarily supported by government grants or contracts, funds solicited from its own membership, congregation, or previous donors, and fees charged for services rendered.

Educational institutions and any auxiliary associations, foundations, and support groups that are directly responsible to educational institutions

  • Curricula must be registered with, or approved by, the Department of Education, either directly or by acceptance of accreditation by an accrediting body recognized by the Department of Education.

Hospitals and hospital foundations

  • Organization must be regulated by the Department of Health or the Department of Public Welfare.

Veterans' organizations chartered under federal law, volunteer firemen, ambulance associations, rescue squad associations, and their auxiliaries or affiliates

  • ​All fundraising activities of the organization or association must be carried on by volunteers, members, or an auxiliary or affiliate thereof, who receive no compensation, directly or indirectly, for the fundraising activities.

​Public, nonprofit library organizations

  • Organization must receive financial aid from state and municipal governments and file an annual fiscal report with the State Library System.

Senior citizen centers and nursing homes

  • ​Organization must be nonprofit and charitable and must have been granted tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code and all fundraising activities must be carried on by volunteers, members, or officers, who receive no compensation, directly or indirectly, for the fundraising activities.

​Parent/teacher associations or organizations

  • ​Organization must be recognized in a notarized letter from the school district in which it is located.

Any corporation established by an act of Congress of the United States

  • Corporation must be required by federal law to submit annual reports of its activities to Congress containing itemized accounts of all receipts and expenditures after being fully audited by the Department of Defense.

Any charitable organization which receives gross national contributions of $25,000 or less annually

  • Organization cannot compensate any person who conducts solicitations.