
Letter of Equivalency - Bachelor's or Master's

Issued in accordance with September 25, 1999 regulations

The Letter of Equivalency is issued for public school salary purposes only as defined by Public School Code and Chapter 49 regulations. A Letter of Equivalency for a Baccalaureate Degree (BEQ) or Master's Degree (MEQ) is available. Eligibility and general information is summarized below. For additional information refer to the Certification a​nd Staffing Policy and Guideline - CSPG 10 and the Letters of Equivalency-Bachelor's or Master's Frequently Asked Questions.

Eligibility - Letter of Equivalency for a Baccalaureate Degree (BEQ)

The Letter of Equivalency for a Baccalaureate Degree is issued to holders of Career and Technical Instructional I, Career and Technical Instructional II or their equivalents upon the accumulation of 90 college credits. A minimum of 18 credit hours shall be earned at a State-approved baccalaureate degree granting institution. Twelve of the final 30 credit hours may be satisfied, in full or in part, through in-service programs approved by the Secretary for meeting baccalaureate equivalency requirements, currently PA’s intermediate units.

A grade of "C" or better is required in college and university courses in which grades are given and a letter of satisfactory completion is required for all in-service courses used toward the attainment of the letter.

Eligibility - Letter of Equivalency for a Master's Degree (MEQ)

The Letter of Equivalency for a Master's Degree is issued to holders of any valid Instructional or Education Specialist Level I or II certificate upon the accumulation of 36 graduate level credits, of which at least half must be in the content area(s) of the certificate(s) held. A minimum of 18 semester hour credits shall be earned at a State-approved college/university approved for granting graduate level credit. The remaining 18 may be satisfied, in full or in part, through in-service programs approved by the Secretary of Education after October 1, 1972.

A grade of "C" or better is required in college and university courses in which grades are given, and a "Pass" when offered on a Pass/Fail basis. A letter on IU letterhead bearing the raised seal of the IU Coordinator must be submitted for any in-service courses.

Application Process

Submit an application for a new credential using the online Teacher Information Management System, TIMS.  Refer to the User Guides webpage for assistance.


After you submit your application online be sure you upload or mail the following along with a copy of the TIMS cover sheet:

  • Official transcripts: If submitting transcripts electronically, do not submit your transcript request until you have submitted your application in TIMS
  • Official Pennsylvania Intermediate Unit in-service credit letters with raised seal, if applicable
  • Electronic payment (see Application Fees) accepted in TIMS.