The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), a partnership between the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, aims to support the growth and learning of the state's youngest children. OCDEL works to create a high-quality early childhood education system with strong standards for programs and professionals. This includes providing support, ensuring accountability, and engaging the community.

OCDEL collaborates with parents, schools, child care providers, Early Intervention and Head Start programs, libraries, and community organizations to offer high-quality programs and family support. The goal is to address challenges that impact school readiness and academic success.

OCDEL focuses on building a solid educational foundation for children from birth to age five. By doing so, we aim to prepare them for a brighter, more successful future.

Child Care Providers

Online Child Care Provider Search

The Online Child Care Provider Search helps families locate a child care provider that meets their needs and offers information on Early Learning programs.

Search Online Child Care Providers

Operating a Child Care Program

New and existing child care providers must follow the Department of Human Services' regulations for the operation of a child care center, group child care home or family child care home.  Providers are required to attend an orientation training session within 12 months prior to submitting the application to the regional office to operate a new facility.

Information about Operating a Child C​are Program

​Child Care Works

Child Care Works makes it possible for low-income families to find reliable child care near their home or work and provides financial assistance to help them afford it. Through Child Care Works, families have access to quality care programs that may otherwise be out of their reach.

Professional Development

Teachers who have specific preparation, knowledge, and skills in child development and early childhood education are more likely to engage in warm, pos​itive interactions with children, offer richer language experiences, and create more high-quality learning environments. Opportunities for teaching staff to receive supportive supervision and to participate in ongoing professional development ensure that their knowledge and skills reflect the profession’s ever-changing knowledge base.

The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is focused on ensuring the early childhood education (ECE) workforce is well equipped to support the growth development of today's youngest children and their families. OCDEL provides funding to Regional Professional Development Organizations (PDOs) to increase participation in and completion of credit-bearing coursework and degrees in Early Childhood Education. PDOs offer Career Counseling, access to free education (for eligible participants), and options for funding (for non-eligible participants). . For more information on PDOs please visit the Professional Development Organization's webpage

Family Ambassador Pilot Program

The SPEL Family Ambassador Pilot Program to help children transition more seamlessly from Preschool Early Intervention (EI) programs to Kindergarten.