
Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) Providers

Training providers interested in offering CDL ELDT will want to inquire with the Division of Law Enforcement Education and Trade Schools, serving as staff to the State Board of Private Licensed Schools, prior to advertising, enrolling, and providing training to confirm whether the training provider's business activities will require licensure to operate.

Training providers who are currently offering CDL ELDT who have not already been in contact with Board staff regarding licensure, will want to do so to avoid any regulatory violations associated with unlicensed activity.

A finding of unlicensed activity may result in a $2,500 civil penalty and a 5-year moratorium on licensure.

Please note authorization to provide training by registering as a training provider on the FMCSA Training Provider Registry (TPR) does not permit a business to operate a school offering career and trade training intended to lead to entry-level employment.  The TPR includes an attestation that the training provider has met all applicable state requirements, which may include licensure to operate.

Board staff may be reached via email or by phone 717-783-8228.